266 Records Found

Most Complaints To A Deli Waiter In 30 Seconds
Mark Lamster

Most Computer Programs Named In 15 Seconds
Salem Hassan Al Suwaidi

Most Consecutive Times Saying "Are You Going To South By"

Most Consecutive Times Saying "Butt"
Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Most Consecutive Times Saying "God Bless America"
World Records For Everyone!

Most Countries Mentioned In 30 Seconds
Doron T

Most Digits Of Tau Recited
Ethan Brown

Most Disney Movies Named In 10 Seconds

Most Disney Villains Named In 15 Seconds

Most Fashion Brands Named In 10 Seconds
Alexa Losey
Most Fifth Graders To Say "Happy Thanksgiving" At Once
Los Ranchitos Elementary School Room 308

Most Four-Letter Words Spoken In One Minute
bob jones

Most Goodfellas Quotes Exchanged With A Muppet In One Minute
Patrick Sauer

Most Holiday Songs Sung By A Duet In One Minute
Paul Green

Most Holidays Named In 20 Seconds
Shannon Makenna

Most Human Bones Named In 30 Seconds
Deb Craig
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