266 Records Found

Most Social Networks Named In 10 Seconds
Doron T

Fastest Time To Recite The Greek Alphabet
Ajay Koritala

Fastest Time To Say First 100 Digits Of Pi With Eyes Closed

Fastest Time To Say First 100 Digits Of Pi While Twisting A Rubik's Cube And Balancing 15 Books On Head
Lauren Moore

Fastest Time To Recite The 66 Books Of The Bible In Order
Bella Roberts

Fastest Time To Say First 50 Digits Of Pi With Eyes Closed
Krishin Parikh

Most Disney Movies Named In 10 Seconds

Fastest Time To Name all 50 U.S. States And Eat A Reese's Peanut Butter Cup

Most Digits Of Tau Recited
Ethan Brown

Fastest Time To Count From 10 To 1
Smdmdm Kdmdmdmdm

Fastest Time To Recite 100 Digits Of Pi In A Prius
Samuel Lamphier

Most 1980s Movies Named In 30 Seconds
João Thomé

Most Network News Sign-Offs In 30 Seconds
Alina Cho

Most Consecutive Times Saying "God Bless America"
World Records For Everyone!

Most Times Saying "Viva La Mexico" In 10 Seconds
Amanda Marie

Fastest Time To Say "Hello" In 10 Languages
Nicholas Lambert
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