266 Records Found

Most Times Saying "Ian" In 12 Seconds
Ian McGehee

Most Superheroes Named In 15 Seconds
Matthew Allen
Most 2013 UK Premiership Football Players Named In 20 Seconds

Fastest Time To Spell "BACKWARDS" Backwards 10 Times In A Row
Kevin Zuccherato

Fastest Time To Recite The Names Of Companies Acquired By eBay In Random Order
Kshitij Lohani

Most Times Saying "Go Pets" In 10 Seconds
Mamta Sharma

Fastest Time To Name The 13 Dwarves From "The Hobbit"
Pervaiz Wignarajah

Most Recitations Of The Names Of The 13 Dwarves From "The Hobbit" In 30 Seconds
Pervaiz Wignarajah

Fastest Recitation Of All The Kings And Queens Of England While Performing A Split And Wearing A Fedora Hat
Jelus Jessica

Fastest Time For A 7-Year-Old To Recite The Helping Verbs Of American Standard English
Cody Ransom

Most People Saying "We Love Majors Pizza" At Once
Chris Rathbone

Fastest Time For A Four-Year-Old To Name All 196 Country Capitals

Most Nintendo Games Named In 15 Seconds
iD Tech Camps UC Irvine

Most Xbox Games Named In 15 Seconds
iD Tech Camps UC Irvine

Fastest Time To Read The Opening Crawl Of "Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope" In Pig Latin
TV Camp

Most People Saying "I Love Pete the Juggler" At Once
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