266 Records Found

Most Times Saying "Potato" In A Video
Captain Catasrophe

Most Bob Dylan Albums Named In 30 Seconds
Corey Weisman

Fastest Time To Recite All 50 United States In Alphabetical Order
Kayleigh Denney

Most National Flags Named By A Two-Year-Old
Sharan Janarthanan

Fastest Time To Recite All Countries In Asia In One Breath
Attshan Ali

Fastest Time To Count To 100 In Tens
Nathan tidball

Fastest Time To Read Ezekiel 25:17 Verse From "Pulp Fiction"
Corey Haynes

Most Times Saying "Hey" In 20 Seconds
Gavin Dodds

Most Chocolate Bars Named In 15 Seconds
Erin Burdt

Fastest Time To Recite The Alphabet Backwards While Juggling Six Balls
Vaughan Heussenstamm

Most Disney Villains Named In 15 Seconds

Fastest Time To Sing The Chorus Of "Car Radio" By Twenty One Pilots
Karmen Arceo

Fastest Time To Recite The Names Of All Nine Members Of µ From "Love Live!"

Most Four-Letter Words Spoken In One Minute
bob jones

Most Times Saying "Suca" In One Minute
Pavol Durdik

Youngest Person To Recite All 66 Books Of The Bible
Luke Taylor
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