Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

03:49 Canada

Oldest Person To Set 1,500 RecordSetter World Records

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman has set a total of 1,500 RecordSetter world records. He is 72 years old. See all his records here.

01:58 Malaysia

Shallowest Water To Swim In While Doing A Backstroke

Kenny Khong

Kenny Khong swam 10 laps backstroke in a 14-inch deep swimming pool.

00:58 United States

Shortest Covered Bridge To Perform Burpee Exercises On

Lloyd Weema

Lloyd W. performed burpee exercises on West Liberty Covered Bridge. The bridge measures 18 feet in length.

03:28 Canada

Shortest Distance Between A Dropped Bowie Knife And An Egg

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman dropped two bowie knives while standing on a chair, landing one of the knives .5 inches from the egg.

02:43 Wales

Shortest Distance Chipping A Table Tennis Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped a table tennis ball over a five-foot fence 12 inches away.

02:24 Wales

Shortest Distance To Chip A Golf Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence

Mark Evans

Mark E. chipped a golf ball over a five-foot fence 12 inches away.

03:50 India

Shortest Object Balanced On Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced an object measuring 0.70 centimeter in length on his finger.

00:55 Cyprus

Shortest Paintbrush

Katerina Tsikouri

Katerina Tsikouri made a paintbrush measuring 0.60 centimeters in length and 0.20 centimeters in width.

02:37 United States

Shortest Triathlon

Alex Cunningham

Alex Cunningham completed a triathlon. The whole course measures 22 feet in distance.

04:22 United States

Slowest Blink


Ethan H. took three minutes, 43.63 seconds to blink.

05:19 United States

Slowest Fist Bump

Mima and

Mima and Mista took four minutes, 38.21 seconds to fist bump.

01:09 Italy

Slowest Fiststand Push-Up Against A Wall

andrea pallini

Andrea Pallini took 49.14 seconds to perform a fiststand push-up against a wall.

01:34 England

Slowest Headbutt

Ryan Moore

Ryan and his friend took one minute, 26.77 seconds to headbutt.

02:53 United States

Slowest Sit-Up


Ethan H. took two minutes, 22.05 seconds to perform a sit-up.

17:31 United States

Slowest Time To Close A Drawer

Red Leatherette

Red Leatherette took 17 minutes, 21.82 seconds to close a drawer.

00:56 England

Slowest Time To Complete 50 Headers

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly took 51.90 seconds to complete 50 headers with a football.

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