6829 Records Found

Oldest Person To Set 1,500 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Shallowest Water To Swim In While Doing A Backstroke
Kenny Khong

Shortest Covered Bridge To Perform Burpee Exercises On
Lloyd Weema

Shortest Distance Between A Dropped Bowie Knife And An Egg
Doug McManaman

Shortest Distance Chipping A Table Tennis Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence
Mark Evans

Shortest Distance To Chip A Golf Ball Over A Five-Foot Fence
Mark Evans

Shortest Object Balanced On Finger
Suresh Gaur

Shortest Paintbrush
Katerina Tsikouri

Shortest Triathlon
Alex Cunningham

Slowest Blink

Slowest Fist Bump
Mima and

Slowest Fiststand Push-Up Against A Wall
andrea pallini

Slowest Headbutt
Ryan Moore

Slowest Sit-Up

Slowest Time To Close A Drawer
Red Leatherette

Slowest Time To Complete 50 Headers
Laurent Kelly
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