Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

03:09 Belgium

Tallest Toilet Paper Roll Tower Held In Hand


Frederic D. held 17 toilet paper rolls in one hand. He set the record for Sziget Festival.

00:57 Canada

Tallest Toothpick Tower

Mya Williams

Mya W. built a tower of toothpicks 210 stories in height.

00:59 United States

Tallest Tower Of Fortune Cookie Fortunes Balanced On One Finger

Vito O.

Viktor O. balanced a tower of 14 fortune cookie fortunes on his finger.

02:37 Spain

Tallest Tower Of Original Albums Stacked On An American Flag While Listening To "Ain't It Fun"

Asier Lemuria

Asier L. stacked a tower of 50 original albums on an American flag while listening to Ain't It Fun by Paramore.

00:29 United States

Tallest Tower Of Paper Currency Stacked Vertically

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked five bills vertically in a tower.

01:56 United States

Tallest Tower Of Pill Bottles


Andrew stacked a tower of pill bottles 38 inches in height.

00:33 The Internet

Tallest Tower Of Solved Rubik's Cubes

Kim McQueen

Kim M. built a tower of 28 solved Rubik’s cubes.

00:18 The Internet

Tallest Toy Block Tower

Rainee Marshall

Rainee M. built a toy block tower 77 inches (197.48 centimeters) in height.

12:37 United States

Tallest Vemma Box Tower

Robert Marshall

Robert M. stacked five Vemma boxes in a tower.

01:18 Australia

Tallest Vertical Tissue Box Tower Balanced On Forehead While Seated On The Floor


Brendan Kelbie balanced three tissue boxes on his forehead while seated on the floor.

04:35 United States

Tallest VHS Tape Tower

Tai Star

Tai Star built a VHS tape tower measuring 136.87 inches tall.

01:43 United States

Tallest Vinyl Record Tower

Nicky Pembroke

Nicky P. stacked a tower of 74 vinyl records.

01:14 United States

Tallest Water Bottle Tower

Brandon Christenson

Brandon C. stacked four water bottles in a tower.

02:39 Australia

Tallest Weet-Bix Cereal Biscuit Tower

Lucas S

Lucas S. stacked nine Weet-Bix cereal biscuits in a tower.

00:20 United States

Tallest Wheat Bag Tower

Clint Poore

Clint Poore created a tower out of 15 50-pound bags of wheat.

00:48 United States

Tallest Yogurt Cup Tower Stacked On Forehead

Vito O.

Vito O. built a yogurt cup tower five cups high on his forehead.

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