Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

00:44 India

Most Behind-The-Back Triple Charlier Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed nine behind-the-back Triple Charlier card cuts in 30 seconds.

01:18 India

Most Behind-The-Back Triple Charlier Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 19 behind-the-back Triple Charlier card cuts in one minute.

00:47 India

Most Behind-The-Back Charlier Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 34 behind-the-back Charlier card cuts in 30 seconds.

01:12 India

Most "Pre-CMC" Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 16 Pre-CMC card cuts in one minute.

00:44 India

Most "Pre-CMC" Card Cuts In 30 Seconds

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed eight Pre-CMC card cuts in 30 seconds.

02:22 United States

Most Guitars Held While Standing On One Foot

Tai Star

Tai Star held six guitars while standing on one foot.

02:36 United States

Fastest Time To Beat The Fortress Boss In "Glover" (N64)

Juan Rivera

Juan R. beat the Fortress boss in Glover in two minutes, 36.00 seconds.

00:12 United States

Fastest "Pendulum" Card Cut Using A Double Deck Of Cards

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a Pendulum card cut in 2.28 seconds using a double deck of cards.

00:8 United States

Fastest "Half Twisted" Card Flourish Using A Double Deck Of Cards

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a Half Twisted card flourish in 5.91 seconds using a double deck of cards.

01:14 India

Most Saber's Three-Pack Aerial Thumb Tosser Card Cuts In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal A. performed 27 Saber's Three-Pack Aerial thumb tosser card cuts in one minute.

00:34 The Internet

Longest Distance To Throw A Stress Ball Through A Duct Tape Roll

Olivet Coaches

An Olivet Coach threw a stress ball that passed through the center of a duct tape roll 36 yards away.

01:26 United States

Longest Time Spinning Three Toothbrushes On Index Finger

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey spun three toothbrushes on his index finger for 27.94 seconds.

00:51 United States

Fastest Performing 25 Coin Rolls With An Eisenhower Silver Dollar While Bouncing A Tennis Ball On Alternating Sides Of A Tennis Racket

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed 25 coin rolls using an Eisenhower silver dollars in 50.19 seconds while bouncing a tennis ball on alternating sides of a tennis racket.

00:6 The Internet

Farthest Distance To Catch An Egg Using A 3" Diameter Cup (Female)

Bethany Howell

Bethany H. caught an egg using a Scooby-Doo cup from 70 yards away.

00:31 The Internet

Most "Shoulder Farts" In 15 Seconds

Hanne De

Hanne D. performed 28 shoulder farts in 15 seconds.

00:21 United States

Fastest "Fa Show" Card Flourish Using A Double Deck Of Cards

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a Fa Show card flourish in 5.76 seconds using a double deck of cards.

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