Wildcard World Records

6829 Records Found

03:50 New Zealand

Most Hula Hoop Rotations On One Arm In One Minute

Liam Steven

Liam S. rotated a hula hoop on his arm 131 times in one minute.

United States

Most Bounces Of A Foam Ball On A Power Rangers Nintendo Cartridge While Seated

Simon Perkins

Simon Perkins bounced a foam ball on a Power Rangers Nintendo cartridge 80 times while seated.

00:25 Australia

Fastest Time To Eat Five Cadbury White Melts

Sergio Sims

Sergio Sims ate five Cadbury White Melts in 8.59 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional speed eater. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

02:40 Germany

Largest One-Hand Opening Knife Collection

Jochen Gaß

Jochen Gaß has 291 one-hand opening knives in his collection.

02:48 New Zealand

Highest Altitude To Gyrate A Hula Hoop Around Waist (Female)

Liam Steven

Daisy S. gyrated a hula hoop around her waist at an elevation of 1,347 feet. She set the record at Valencia Peak in Los Osos, California.

00:26 England

Fastest 13-Person Glove Peel Circle

Sapphira (Priscilla Silcock)

Sapphira and 12 women performed a glove peel circle in 9.04 seconds. She set the record to celebrate Mental Health Awareness Week and raise funds for SANE Mental Healthy Charity and Butterfly Conservation. See list of participants here.

20:39 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Tennis Ball On Top Of A Water Bottle On The Tip Of Little Finger While Seated


Brendan Kelbie balanced a tennis ball on top of a water bottle on the tip of his little finger for 20 minutes, 30.00 seconds while seated.

01:24 Canada

Longest Time Balancing A Duck Decoy On A Pole On Chin While Kneeling

Doug McManaman

Doug McManaman balanced a duck decoy on a pole on his chin for 47.43 seconds while kneeling.

00:21 Belgium

Most Lacrosse Ball Bounces On A Lacrosse Stick While Standing On One Leg

lubbeek leopards

Lubbeek Leopards bounced a lacrosse ball on a lacrosse stick two times while standing on one leg.

00:18 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 20 Crab Walk Hold Bean Bag Catches

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 20 crab walk hold bean bag catches in 18.00 seconds.

00:06 Belgium

Longest Time Sitting In A Jacuzzi While Holding A Glass Of Champagne

Pieter De S

Pieter and his friends sat in a jacuzzi for 6.00 seconds while holding a glass of champagne.

04:10 India

Most Balloons Inflated In Three Minutes

sadham hussain

Sadham Hussain inflated 29 balloons in three minutes, using only his breath. He set the record at the Dr. NGP Institute of Technology in Tamil Nadu, India.

00:50 Ireland

Fastest Time To Make A Two-Balloon Gun Behind Back


Ryan Tracey made a two-balloon gun behind his back for 38.34 seconds.

01:16 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Fedora On One Finger While Standing On A Basketball


Brendan Kelbie balanced a fedora on one finger for 29.00 seconds while standing on a basketball.

03:52 Australia

Longest Time Balancing A Toy Lightsaber On Thumb While Lying On Back


Brendan Kelbie balanced a toy lightsaber on his thumb for three minutes, 23.41 seconds while lying on his back.

00:09 Belgium

Longest Time Balancing An Iron Ball On Head

Arno andyck

Arno Vandyck balanced an iron ball on his head for 9.52 seconds.

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