6829 Records Found

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces Between The Legs Using A Golf Club
Fredrik Held

Most Googly Eyes Attached To A Body
Sam AndCyan

Longest Expo Marker Train
Chelsey Stafford

Most Tandem Leap Frogs In 30 Seconds
Silvio Sabba

Most Cans Kicked In 10 Seconds
Mark Evans

Longest Distance Walked Carrying A 40-Kilogram Weight In Mouth
Mariappan Palanichamy

Fastest Time To Name All U.S. Presidents

Most Jenga Blocks Stacked On Tongue
Ryan DeNardo

Most One-Handed Claps In 10 Seconds
Austin Partin

Fastest Time To Put Leg Behind Head

Longest "Aflac!"
Suresh Gaur

Most Times Setting A Marshmallow On Fire In 30 Seconds
Georgia Tyler

Most Over-The-Arm Diabolo Catches
Domingo Irarrazaval

Most Consecutive Moshikame Cycles With A Kendama In One Minute
Michael Khod

Longest Time Wearing Pumpkin On Head
Todd DeFazio

Most Mints Bounced Off A Bongo And Caught In Mouth In One Minute
1031Virgin Radio
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