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189 Records Found

Most Over-The-Arm Diabolo Catches
Domingo Irarrazaval

Most Air Guitar Windmills In 30 Seconds
Jordan Johnston

Most Basketball Chest Passes Between Two People In One Minute
Joe Schuman

Most One-Armed Presses In One Minute Using A 111-Pound Dumbbell
Clint Poore

Longest Arm Walk While Balancing Egg On Spoon In Mouth
Alicia Weber

Longest One-Armed Elbow Plank With Other Arm Behind Back While Carrying A 60-Pound Rucksack
Mick Bourke

Most Forearm Strikes In One Minute Using Both Forearms
Pavol Durdik

Fastest Time To Rotate Arms 263 Times In One Direction
Pavol Durdik

Most Arm Rotations In 30 Seconds While Holding Two 1-Kilogram Dumbbells
Pavol Durdik

Longest Wall Sit With Arms Folded At Shoulder Height
William Cannon

Most One Direction Arm Rotations In 10 Seconds While Holding Two Kitchen Knives, Holding A 2.5-Kilogram Dumbbell In Mouth, And Bouncing A Balloon Using Head
Pavol Durdik

Most One Direction Arm Rotations In 10 Seconds While Holding Two Kitchen Knives
Pavol Durdik

Most Consecutive One-Armed Assisted L-Sit Chin-Ups

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Clapping Push-Ups
Guillaume Bourgeois

Most Consecutive Strict One-Armed Push-Ups In Two Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Arms Crossed Bent Knee Sit-Ups In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber
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