Balancing World Records

2794 Records Found

10:21 India

Longest Time Balancing A Baseball Bat On Index Finger While Standing On One Foot

aryan raj

Aryan R. balanced a baseball bat on his index finger for 10 minutes, 6.09 seconds while standing on one foot.

11:41 Chile

Most Consecutive Over-The-Leg Diabolo Catches

Felipe baraona

Felipe B. performed 555 consecutive over-the-leg diabolo catches.

03:05 The Internet

Most Erasers Balanced On Head At Once

grace bruer

Grace B. balanced 46 erasers on her head.

07:10 India

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces While Balancing Two Bats On Shoulders

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 1,140 consecutive bounces of a table tennis ball on a paddle while balancing two baseball bats on his shoulders.

00:55 The Internet

Tallest Almond Tower

Nathan Richmond

Nathan Richmond built an almond tower seven almonds in height.

19:13 India

Longest Time Sitting On A Balance Board While Holding Vajra Veerasana Hero Pose

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur sat on a balance board for 18 minutes, 16.50 seconds while holding the Vajra Veerasana Hero pose.

03:06 The Internet

Most Steps Walked On A Slackline While Juggling Three Balls


ZRn MRh walked 56 steps on a 20-meter slackline while juggling three balls.

02:46 Russia

Fastest Time To Solve A Rubik's Cube While Blindfolded And Riding A Bicycle Backwards

Roman Strakhov

Roman S. solved a Rubik's Cube in one minute, 48.59 seconds while riding a BMX bicycle backwards and blindfolded.

28:46 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Baseball Bat On Thumb

Mark Evans

Mark E. balanced a baseball bat on his thumb for 28 minutes, 2.81 seconds.

44:45 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Baseball Bat On Top Of A Baseball Held In Hand

Mark Evans

Mark E. balanced a baseball bat on top of a baseball held in his hand for 43 minutes, 40.51 seconds.

03:50 India

Shortest Object Balanced On Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced an object measuring 0.70 centimeter in length on his finger.

00:10 Serbia

Most Spoons Balanced On Face At Once

Dalibor Jablanović

Dalibor J. balanced 34 spoons on his face at once.

10:48 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Ball On Top Of A Juggling Club On Chin

Jay Braggart

Jay B. balanced a ball on top of a juggling club on his chin for 10 minutes, 27.28 seconds.

02:18 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Spoon On Chin While Wearing A Fake Mustache

Debra Emory

Debra E. balanced a spoon on her chin for one minute, 50.13 seconds while wearing a fake mustache.

03:04 Canada

Most PlayStation 3 Games Balanced On One Hand

Rob Cross

Jesse C. balanced 40 PlayStation 3 game cases on his hand.

22:56 India

Longest Time Balancing Five Cans On Right Index Finger

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur balanced five cans on his right index finger for 22 minutes, 9.54 seconds.

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