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39 Records Found

Longest Distance From Which To Blow Over A Pen
Devin Ehrich

Farthest Distance To Blow A Cup In A Cup To Another Cup In The Air And Be Caught By Cup
Brian Pankey

Fastest Time To Inflate 1,000 Balloons
sadham hussain

Fastest Time To Write Entire Alphabet In Breath-Generated Fog In A Prius
Prius Records

Longest Pronunciation of the Word "Fresh" While Wearing a Catcher's Mask, Sunglasses and Holding a Blue, Helium-Filled Balloon
Gotaro Takahashi

Longest Pronunciation Of "Jimmy Fallon"
Dan Crowley

Longest "Oh, Man" Response To A Crowd Interruption
Cory Cavin

Longest Party Horn Toot
Stephen Phillips

Largest Nose Flute Orchestra

Most Balloons Inflated In One Minute
sadham hussain

Most Balloons Inflated In Three Minutes
sadham hussain

Most Baseball Catches Between Two People Holding Their Breath
Ethan Bryan

Most Single-Breath Opera Songs Sung In 10 Minutes
Michael Kennedy

Heaviest Vehicle Lifted With Breath
Brian Jackson

Most Upright Pens Blown Over With One Breath
Caleb Stultz

Most Candles Blown Out With a Single Puff
Stephen Webster
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