15 Records Found

Most Consecutive Catches In A Three-Hoop Lazy Cascade With Penguin Catches
Callum Baker

Longest Basketball Blind Shot Made From A Three-Ball Cascade
Vito O.

Longest Time To Flat-Juggle Three Clubs In A Reverse Cascade Pattern While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Kyle Johnson

Fastest Time To Complete 100 Catches Of Three Clubs In A Cascade Pattern
Ewan Clementson

Longest Time Juggling Three Two-Pound Balls Over Head
JJ Walker

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Tennis Balls In A Bounce Cascade Pattern in 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Tennis Balls In A Bounce Cascade Pattern In One Minute
Brian Pankey

Fastest Time To Complete 500 Consecutive Catches While Juggling Three Clubs In A Cascade Pattern
Brian Pankey

Most Passes While Juggling Three Balls In A Cascade Pattern While One Person Hula Hoops

Longest Time To Bounce Juggle A Three-Ball Cascade Synchronized Pattern With Four Four-Inch Diameter Bounce Balls While Kneeling
Brian Pankey

Most Neck Catches From A Three Ball Cascade Pattern In 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Neck Catches In One Minute While Juggling Five Balls In A Cascade Pattern
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Neck Catches In 30 Seconds While Juggling Five Balls
Brian Pankey

Most Catches While Juggling Three Myachis Back-Handed
Brian Pankey

Most Consecutive Catches Of A Tennis Ball In A Tennis Can While Juggling Three Balls In A Reverse Cascade Pattern And Kneeling
Brian Pankey
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