Dancing World Records
Dancing world records feature all different styles of dance, from the Twist to the Worm to go-go and the Macarena. If you've put in hours of practice doing tap, ballet, jazz or ballroom dancing, here's the place to show it off. If you're not a seasoned performer, it doesn't matter - just gather some friends and rave with glow sticks or crank the car stereo and groove in a parking lot.
Dancing Challenges
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123 Records Found

Longest Time Twerking Upside Down While Wearing A Sombrero On Butt
Life Lessons

Most People Performing A Classical Dance Simultaneously For Three Hours
Jayam Kalai Kottam

Farthest Distance Traveled While Doing "The Caterpillar"
Rohit Timilsina

Fastest Burlesque Glove Peel Circle
Sapphira (Priscilla Silcock)

Fastest Cycle Of The Macarena Completed While Wearing A Dress And Fedora Hat
Michael Smith

Fastest Time To Complete 10 Dance Illusions
Allie and Elle inc productions

Fastest Time To Complete Five Fouettes
Allie and Elle inc productions

Fastest Time To Count From 1 To 100 While Doing A Headstand

Highest Altitude To Perform A Traditional Irish Jig Dance
Lauren Richardson

Highest Combined Score Earned By Two Players Dancing "Waking Up In Vegas" In "Just Dance 2014"
Hailey Adelle

Highest Score Dancing To "Feel This Moment" In "Just Dance 2014"
Maria Viles

Highest Score In "Dance Central - C'mon N' Ride It" (Kinect)
Nagy Boglárka

Highest Score On "Party Rock Anthem" Track Of "Dance Central 2" (XBox 360)
Latoya Stewart

Highest Score On "Sandstorm" Track Of "Dance Central 2" (XBox 360)
Tatiana Kurylowicz

Highest Score On A "Dance Central 2" Song While Being Blindfolded
Elizabeth Bolinger

Highest Tap Dance
Heather O'Neal
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