Fitness World Records

1253 Records Found

03:08 United States

Fastest Time To Perform A 100 Deep Squats, 10-Yard Archery Bullseye Combination

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed a 100 deep squats, 10-yard archery bullseye combination in one minute, 55.00 seconds.

05:19 United States

Highest Score In Inverted Row Pull-Ups, 40-Yard Archery Obstacle Course

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber earned 68 points in her inverted row pull-ups, 40-yard archery obstacle course.

05:19 United States

Highest Score In Inverted Row Pull-Ups, 40-Yard Archery Obstacle Course

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber earned 68 points in her inverted row pull-ups, 40-yard archery obstacle course.

28:28 France

Most One-Armed Push-Ups Performed By Two People In One Hour

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois and Alexandre Izzi performed a combined total of 5,052 one-armed push-ups in one hour. They set the record under the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France.

00:43 Italy

Heaviest Person Lifted While Performing A Pistol Squat On Two Bottles

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter lifted an 18-kilogram child while performing a pistol squat on two bottles.

32:10 France

Most One-Armed Back-Of-Hand Push-Ups In 30 Minutes

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. completed 1,377 one-armed push-ups in 30 minutes using the back of his hands.

00:55 The Internet

Fastest Dual Rope Climb With A 14-Pound Medicine Ball Between Legs

Andreas Weaver

Andreas W. performed a dual rope climb in 16.78 seconds with a 14-pound medicine ball between his legs.

03:19 Scotland

Most Consecutive Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying An 80-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William Cannon performed 50 consecutive squats in one minute while carrying an 80-pound rucksack.

01:22 Mexico

Fastest Time To Complete 98 Knuckle Push-Ups

Mario Torre

Mario T. completed 98 knuckle push-ups in 56.61 seconds.

02:30 Scotland

Most Squats Performed In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Rucksack

William Cannon

William C. performed 63 consecutive squat exercises in one minute while carrying a 40-pound rucksack.

35:58 United States

Most Pull-Ups On A 10-Inch Thick Bar During A 30-Minute 3-In-1 Challenge

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 205 pull-ups on a thick bar during a 30-minute 3-in-1 challenge. Pull-ups are to be completed in this order: 1.10 minutes of pull-ups with a 10-pound medicine ball held between legs 2.10 minutes of L-pull-ups where legs are held straight out and parallel to ground 3.10 minutes of regular pull-ups

01:07 United States

Fastest Time To Complete Ten 100-Pound Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. completed ten 100-pound dumbbell hammer curls in 11.80 seconds.

00:28 United States

Fastest Time For A Male Over 50 Years Old To Combo Crab Walk 84 Feet


Hammer Head combo crab walked 84 feet in 20.59 seconds. He set the record during Alicia's 2012 Holiday Record Week.

00:24 United States

Fastest 500-Pound Leg Press

Jason A Faulkner

Jason F. leg pressed 500 pounds in 7.01 seconds. He completed 10 reps.

02:33 United States

Most 10-Pound Weighted Double-L Challenges

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber completed 33 reps of the 10-pound weighted Double-L challenge.

01:47 United States

Most Knee Tucks By A Female Over 60 Years Old


Bonnie Jean completed 96 knee tucks. She set the record during Alicia's 2012 Holiday Record Week.

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