Game World Records

Game world records, whether real-world or virtual, are set after hours of intensive training and practice. Childhood favorites like Connect Four sit alongside recent iPhone hits such as Angry Birds. Whether your passion is board games or video games, you'll find a category to compete in here.

2218 Records Found

17:18 United States

Fastest Completion Of "Doom: Episode 1" After Consuming A Tablespoon Of Ghost Pepper Sauce

Dave Vogt

Dave Vogt completed Doom: Episode 1 in 16 minutes, 37.00 seconds after consuming a tablespoon of ghost pepper sauce. He set the record for Operation Supply Drop Charity. Watch the beginning of his record attempt here.

18:49 United States

Fastest Completion Of "Doom: Episode 2" After Consuming A Tablespoon Of Ghost Pepper Sauce

Dave Vogt

Dave Vogt completed Doom: Episode 2 in 16 minutes, 31.00 seconds after consuming a tablespoon of ghost pepper sauce. He set the record for Operation Supply Drop Charity.

04:16 United States

Longest All-Ages Basketball Game Marathon

Gregory Leonarczyk

Gregory and participants at Camp Mah-Kee-Nac in Lenox, Massachusetts held a basketball game marathon. The game lasted for 36 hours and 28 minutes.

04:46 The Internet

Highest Score Dancing To "Party Rock Anthem" In "Just Dance 3"

Cole Dean

Cole D. earned 16,838 points dancing to Party Rock Anthem in Just Dance 3.

46:04 United States

Highest Score In "Bayonetta 2: Witch Trials 1" (Wii U)

Dave Vogt

Dave Vogt earned 158,494 points in Bayonetta 2: Witch Trials 1.

46:04 United States

Highest Score In "Bayonetta 2: Witch Trials 2" (Wii U)

Dave Vogt

Dave Vogt earned 128,493 points in Bayonetta 2: Witch Trials 2.

01:28 Canada

Fastest Time To Get Five Diamonds In "Minecraft"

Kyle Schwarze

Kyle S. got five diamonds in Minecraft in 34.29 seconds.

01:32 Ireland

Highest Score In "Penalty Of Destiny" (Online)

Joseph Kenneally

Joseph K. earned 24 points in Penalty of Destiny.

05:16 The Internet

Highest Score Dancing To "I Don't Feel Like Dancing" In "Just Dance 3"

Cole Dean

Cole D. earned 16,840 points dancing to I Don't Feel Like Dancing in Just Dance 3.

03:48 United States

Highest Score In "WarioWare Paper Plane" (Game Boy)


Ryan G. earned 250 points in WarioWare Paper Plane.

14:37 United States

Fastest "Mickey's Dangerous Chase" Speedrun (Game Boy)


Ryan G. completed a game of Mickey's Dangerous Chase in 12 minutes, 50.00 seconds.

01:23:41 The Internet

Lowest Score In Story Mode Of "Yoshi's Story"

GreenApple 968

GreenApple earned 1,226 points in Story Mode of Yoshi's Story.

01:20 United States

Most Jumps In One Minute In "Halo 5: Guardians" (Xbox One)

Jake Hicks

Jake's game character jumped 47 times in one minute in Halo 5: Guardians.

00:31 England

Fastest Completion Of World 1-3 In "New Super Mario Bros." (DS)

Harri Bubblegum

Harri Bubblegum completed World 1-3 in New Super Mario Bros. in 22.80 seconds.

01:06 England

Fastest Completion Of World 1-Tower In "New Super Mario Bros." (DS)

Harri Bubblegum

Harri Bubblegum completed the World 1-Tower in New Super Mario Bros. in 58.23 seconds.

04:19 United States

Fastest Completion Of "50 Boy Scouts Merit Badges" Quiz Game (Online)

Jameson Payne

Jameson P. completed the 50 Boy Scouts Merit Badges quiz game in three minutes, 33.56 seconds.

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