Highest World Records

1827 Records Found

01:13 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Secrets of the Past: Level 57" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 95,020 points in Secrets of the Past: Level 57.

02:12 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Secrets of the Past: Level 64" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 69,600 points in Secrets of the Past: Level 64.

02:53 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Tower Story: Level 65" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 66,920 points in Tower Story: Level 65.

03:02 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Jelly Splash: Level 81" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 165,650 points in Jelly Splash: Level 81.

02:40 Slovakia

Highest Score In "Secrets of the Past: Level 50" (Online)

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik earned 45,700 points in Secrets of the Past: Level 50.

01:50 Italy

Highest Jump To Balance On An Indo Board

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter jumped onto a table and balanced himself on top of an Indo Board in a single leap. The total jump height including the board reached 120 cm.

00:31 United States

Highest Score In Combat Training In "Call of Duty: Black Ops II"

Snoww Axius

Snoww Axius scored 30,000 points in Combat Training in Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

03:22:25 United States

Highest Score In "Super Mario Bros. 3" (NES) Using A Single Life

Mason Cramer

Mason C. earned 5,943,660 points in Super Mario Bros. 3.

26:27 United States

Highest Score In "Super Mario Brothers 3: World One" (NES)


Daryl Kiddey earned 1,259,730 points in Super Mario Brothers 3: World One.

09:23:34 United States

Highest Score In Game 3 Of "Berzerk" (Atari 2600)

Christian Keilback

Christian K. earned 961,710 points in Game 3 of Berzerk.

00:56 Ireland

Highest Altitude Reached Riding A Motorcycle (Female)

Míde Maher

Míde Maher rode her motorcycle to reach an altitude of 5,918 meters (19,416 feet) in Volcan Ojos del Salado, Chile. Watch more of her feat here.

01:02 United States

Highest Scoring Move From Playing A Single "G" In Scrabble


Sam W. scored 120 points from placing a letter "G" in a game of Scrabble.

00:41 Wales

Highest Score On Level 1-5 Of "Angry Birds Rio"

Peter Mee

Peter Mee earned 66,860 points on Level 1–5 of Angry Birds Rio.

02:49 United States

Tallest Dice Tower On A Carpet

Tai Star

Tai Star stacked 16 dice on top of each other.

00:38 India

Highest Score On Level 1-6 Of "Angry Birds Rio"

mausam patel

Mmausam P. earned 77,710 points on level 1-6 of Angry Birds Rio.

United States

Highest Number Counted To In Binary In 30 Seconds


Jonathan A. counted 31 numbers in binary in 30 seconds.

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