20 Records Found

Most Kids Repeating A Memory Verse With A Full-Sized Marshmallow In Mouth
Highpoint Kids

Most Consecutive Balloon Bounces Between Mother And Son
zoe johnstone

Most People Line Dancing To "Cotton-Eyed Joe" At Once
Featherstone Primary

Youngest Fire Breather
Gracie Adams

Largest Group To Play "Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer" On Kazoos
Tutshill CofE Primary School

Fastest Time For A Five-Year-Old To Run 60 Feet
Blake Beckham

Most Consecutive Days Photographing One Person
Munish Bansal

Youngest Person To Perform Suspended Straitjacket Escape
Nicholas Brice

Most Squats While Balancing A Juggling Club While Someone Under 10 Years Old Sings "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star"
Tony Duncan

Youngest Person To Deadlift 450 Pounds
Fusion Fitness
Youngest Person To Bowl Over 100 Points
Brawly Jacobs

Most Kids Hit In The Head Using Two Dictionaries
Arno Rademaker
Most Disney Princess Bowling Pins Knocked Over By A Baby
Molly Nussbaum

Youngest Plate Spinner
Ethan Cain

Most Hula Hoops Spun By A Five-Year-Old
Ethan Cain

Youngest Person To Recite The Periodic Table
Poorvie Choudhary
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