Longest World Records

3547 Records Found

00:20 Australia

Longest Time Spinning A Basketball While Dribbling A Basketball While Seated


Demythrate spun a basketball for 18.58 seconds while dribbling another basketball.

24:45 Wales

Longest Time Balancing A Handsaw On Thumb

Mark Evans

Mark Evans balanced a 28-inch handsaw on his thumb for 23 minutes, 52.28 seconds. WARNING: This record can be extremely dangerous. Please do not attempt this record unless you are above the age of 18 and trained as a professional stunt man. We will not accept submissions in this category from minors.

01:08 The Internet

Longest Sky Five

Ricky Barnett

Ricky and his friend jumped directly at each other from a distance of 19 feet and completed a high five before landing.

36:26 Slovakia

Longest Time Balancing A Hockey Puck On Top Of Another Hockey Puck Held With Fingers

Peter Durdik

Peter Durdik balanced a hockey puck on top of another hockey puck held with his fingers for 35 minutes, 37.00 seconds.

01:17:47 Czech Republic

Longest Time To Keep A Straw In Mouth

Filip Mraz

Filip M. kept a straw in his mouth for one hour, 17 minutes, 34.00 seconds.

00:15 The Internet

Longest Basketball Bank Shot

David Crawford

David Crawford successfully banked a basketball shot off wall 42 feet away from the basket. See a diagram of basketball court and dimensions here.

11:06 India

Longest Time Touching Tongue To Nose

vinod kumar

Vinod K. touched his tongue to his nose for 11 minutes, 3.59 seconds.

08:42 India

Longest Tongue Clover

shreyas raju

Shreyas R. curled his tongue into a clover and held it for eight minutes, 25.60 seconds.

03:10 The Internet

Longest "Shh"

Jovah Siegel

Jovah Siegel released a “shh” lasting one minute, 44.01 seconds. tag:RecordSetterBook01

20:01 The Internet

Longest Fake Telephone Conversation Using A Cream Cake As Telephone

Melanie McGehee

Melanie M. held a fake telephone conversation using a cream cake for 16 minutes, 37.74 seconds.

04:21 United States

Longest Time To Juggle Three Clubs While Hula Hooping


Pete Moyer juggled three clubs while hula hooping for four minutes, 11.77 seconds.


Longest Time To Stand Straight On Someone's Shoulders

Kyle Nisson

Kyle Nisson stood straight on Mark Clementson's shoulders for four minutes, 56.91 seconds.

02:04 United States

Longest Time Balancing A Bicycle On Chin

J The Juggler

Japheth G. balanced an adult road bicycle on his chin for one minute, 31.41 seconds.

02:09 Canada

Longest Eight-Finger Plank With 100 Pounds On Back

Darryl Learie

Darryl Learie performed an eight-finger plank exercise without using his thumbs while carrying 100 pounds of additional weight on his back. He remained balanced in position for 52.70 seconds.

01:47 Slovakia

Longest Time Spinning Four Fidget Spinners Between Two Fingers

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik spun four fidget spinners between two fingers for one minute, 41.00 seconds.

04:15 Slovakia

Longest Time Spinning A Fidget Spinner On Top Of A Wine Bottle

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik spun a fidget spinner on top of a wine bottle for four minutes, 3.00 seconds.

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