7868 Records Found

Most Database-Related Certificates Received
Abhishant Kumar

Most Cheek Kisses In 15 Seconds
OtraMovida Records

Most Play-Doh Balls Thrown At A Picture Of Pizza Stuck To A Fridge In One Minute
Kate Symons

Most Hiccups While Singing The "Galaxy Song" By Monty Python
Tai Star

Most Pieces Of Fruit Balanced On A Toaster
Andrew Belliveau

Most One-Handed Dumbbell Curls In 30 Seconds While Tossing A Foam Golf Ball And Kneeling
Jack Thompson

Most Pants Pulled Down In 30 Seconds
OtraMovida Records

Most Blankets Fit In A Nissan Leaf
Windfall Ecology Centre

Most Squats In One Hour By A 60-Year-Old
Radi Milev “65 years old”

Most Abdominal Wheel Crunches In One Minute (Female)
sarah acosta

Most Armpit Farts In 20 Seconds
Nick Taylor

Most Consecutive Bounces Of Three Tennis Balls In A Bounce Cascade Pattern In One Minute
Brian Pankey

Most Successful Putts Made By A Group In One Minute
Allan Cox

Most Times Circling A Basketball Around Waist In 30 Seconds While Balancing A Juggling Club On Chin
Brian Pankey

Most Spit-Takes By Five People In 45 Seconds
OtraMovida Records

Most Golf Ball Elbow Bounce Catches In One Minute
Brian Pankey
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