Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:34 India

Most Times Circling Basketball Around Waist In 30 Seconds While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Suresh Gaur

Suresh Gaur completed 36 basketball circulations around his waist in 30 seconds while balancing on a rola bola.

02:34 United States

Most Holiday Decorations Placed On A Person

Todd DeFazio

Todd DeFazio wore 100 holiday decorations at once.

01:12 United States

Most People Piggy-Backed At Once

Dakota Smith

Dakota Smith piggybacked four people at once, a new world record. His performance beat the previous record by one person. At one point Smith had five people on his back, but they didn’t stay up for at least ten seconds, a time length set by the original record creator. Smith set the record on May 5, 2009 in Lake City, Floridia. Dustin Busscher was present as a witness.

01:11 Latvia

Most Strangers Photographed In One Minute

Fil B

David photographed 30 strangers in one minute, a new world record. He used a Canon camera to complete the feat. The record was set on March 31, 2009 at LVHRD’s PHTHRD III party in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Rob Birdsong and Andrea Rosen were present to witness the feat and count the photographs taken.

01:13 United States

Most "Yo Mama" Jokes Told In A Geeky Voice In One Minute


Kennedy told 16 "Yo Mama" jokes in a geeky voice in one minute, a new world record. The record was set on June, 11 2009 during a taping of the Karson and Kennedy Morning Show on Mix 98.5 in Boston, Massachusetts. Co-host Karson was present as a witness.

01:17 The Internet

Most Coins Magically Pulled From Behind Someone's Ear In One Minute

Warren Kay

Warren Kay magically pulled 26 coins out of Mason Kay’s ear in one minute.

00:49 United States

Most Free Breakfasts Given Away In One Day


The Denny’s restaurant chain gave away 1.7 million free breakfasts in eight hours, a new world record. They served their Grand Slam breakfast (two eggs, two pancakes, two sausages, two strips of bacon) at no charge between the hours of 6 a.m and 2 p.m. The record was set on February 3, 2009. 1523 restaurants and over 36,000 employees across the United States were involved in making it happen.

01:45 United States

Most Pineapple Tosses Between Two People Singing 'Camptown Races' In One Minute

Jason Eppink

Jason Eppink and Matt Green threw a pineapple back and forth 67 times in one minute while singing Camptown Races, a new world record. They stood exactly ten feet apart while achieving the feat. The duo set the record on May 20, 2009 at a World Record Appreciation Society[] event in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. [#WRAS06][]

00:21 The Internet

Most Consecutive Pop Shuvits While Wearing A Beanie And Seven Hats

Shawtgun White

Shawtgun White completed nine consecutive pop shuvits while wearing a beanie and one hat.

00:25 United States

Most Sharpies Blown Over With A Single Breath

Gavin Christie

Gavin Christie blew over 40 Sharpies using a single breath, a new world record.

00:21 United States

Most Alternating Dual Lip Curls In 10 Seconds

Bethany Lee

Bethany Lee completed 39 dual lip curls in 10 seconds, a new world record. The original count was 40, but one curls was outside the 10 second limit. #RecordSetterBook01

06:13 United States

Most American Pennies Consecutively Flipped From Heads To Tails

Nathan Elliott

Nathan flipped 252 American pennies from heads to tails in a row.

02:13 Australia

Most Visors Worn At Once

Lexi Moyle

Lexi Moyle wore 30 visors at once, a world record. Following rules set by the original category creator, all the visors were worn on her neck and above. Moyle performed the feat live on the Nathan and Nat with Shaun McManus[] radio show on July 14, 2009.

09:08 England

Most Single-Breath Opera Songs Sung In 10 Minutes

Michael Kennedy

Operatic tenor Michael Kennedy sang 24 single-breath opera songs in 10 minutes, a new world record. Each song was sung using just one breath.

04:10 United States

Most Women Standing On A Man Rolled Up In A Carpet

Georgio the Human Carpet

12 women stood on top of Georgio the Human Carpet while he was wrapped up in a carpet, a World Record. Georgio performed the feat on July 14, 2009 at a World Record Appreciation Society[] event in New York City. Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present as witnesses. WARNING: This record can be dangerous and should only be attempted by professionals with medical supervision on-hand. [#WRAS07][]

00:10 United States

Most Apple Laptops Held At Once By A Professional Athlete

Kerry Rhodes

Kerry Rhodes, a safety for the New York Jets NFL football team, held eight Apple laptops at once. Rhodes held the computers for approximately 15 seconds.

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