Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:59 Australia

Most Human Bones Named In 30 Seconds

Deb Craig

Deborah Craig recited 27 human bones from memory in 30 seconds. Bones listed: - frontal - parietal - temporal - occipital - ethmoid - sphenoid - zygomatic - mandible - maxilla - cranium - clavicle - ribs - cervical vertebrae - thoracic vertebrae - lumbar vertebrae - hip - sacrum - tibia - fibula - patella - radius - ulna - humerus - intermediate phalanges - proximal phalanges - distal phalanges - calcaneus (heel)

01:46 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On A Rubber Mallet While Juggling Two Tennis Balls Preceded By A Four-Object Fountain

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey performed a four-object fountain pattern before completing 141 consecutive bounces of a golf ball on a rubber mallet while juggling two tennis balls with his other hand.

01:20 India

Most Consecutive 'Triangle Cuts' In One Minute

Kamal Aslam

Kamal Aslam completed 12 consecutive ‘Triangle Cuts’ in one minute.

01:42 United States

Most Consecutive Six-Club 'Flashes'

Jack Denger

Jack Denger completed five consecutive six-club flashes.


Largest Pile Of Shoes

Quest Youth Group

Quest Youth Group of Limes Avenue Baptist Church built a shoe pile of 150 shoes.

01:24 Wales

Most Consecutive Table Tennis Ball Bounces On A Glass Bottle

Mark Evans

Mark E. completed 65 consecutive table tennis ball bounces on a glass bottle.

01:00 United States

Most 'Sybil Cuts' With A Deck Of Cards In One Minute

Gold Member

Gold Member completed 26 sybil cuts with a deck of cards in one minute.

01:05 United States

Most Consecutive Golf Ball Bounces On Alternating Sides Of A Rubber Mallet While Juggling Two Tennis Balls

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed 96 golf ball bounces on alternating sides of a rubber mallet while juggling two tennis balls in his other hand.

01:00 United States

Most Catches Of A Tennis Ball On Base Of A Tennis Can In One Minute While Juggling Three Balls

Brian Pankey

33:10 Netherlands

Most Consecutive Diabolo Catches

Wino Bouwens

Wino B. caught a diabolo 1,258 times in a row.

00:35 United States

Most Consecutive Catches While Juggling Three Flaming Tennis Balls

Brian Pankey

NOTE: This record is dangerous and should only be attempted by trained professionals.

00:20 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling 8 Balls While On Knees

Jack Denger

Jack Deneger made 16 consecutive catches while juggling eight balls on knees.

03:23 Germany

Most Consecutive One-Hand Devil Stick Rotations While Balancing On A Rola Bola

Lukas Reichenbach

Lukas R. completed 485 one-handed devil stick rotations.

01:04 United States

Most Consecutive Tennis Ball Bounces On A Rubber Mallet With One Eye Covered

Brian Pankey

03:32 The Internet

Most Notes Posted In Public Places By A Fictional Character


Panayiota posted 50 notes in public places around New Cross, London, all signed by a fictional character named ‘George’.

02:10 The Internet

Most Consecutive Penguin Catches With Three Tennis Balls

Justin Galluzzo

Justin Galluzzo performed 97 consecutive penguin catches with three tennis balls.

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