Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:31 United States

Most Frisbees Juggled Using One Hand

Brian Pankey

00:41 United States

Most Vinyl Records Juggled While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled four vinyl records while on a rola bola.

00:30 United States

Most Consecutive Behind The Back Catches While Juggling Three Bowling Pins

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey made 21 consecutive behind the back catches while juggling three bowling pins.

00:30 United States

Most Consecutive Catches Juggling Three Bowling Pins In A Shower Pattern

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey made 36 catches while juggling three bowling pins in a shower pattern.

01:10 United States

Most Interpretive Dancers Dancing Interpretively Around A Prius At Once

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:01 United States

Most Rubber Balls Bounced Off A Prius Dashboard By Someone In The Driver's Seat And Caught By Someone In The Rear Seat In Two Minutes

Prius Records

This record was set as part of Prius Records, a two-day event streamed live on the Internet. In a 48-hour period, URDB officials adjudicated 200 Prius-related world records. This was the most records ever documented in a 48-hour window, a world record in and of itself. The event took place in Los Angeles, California on March 30th and 31st, 2011. See all the records set at the event here.

01:59 United States

Most Consecutive Four-Ball Flashes Using Only One Hand While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey completed three consecutive four-ball flashes using only one hand while standing on a rola bola.

01:26 United States

Most Consecutive Three-Club Flashes Using Only One Hand While Standing On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey juggled three consecutive three-club flashes using only one hand while standing on a rola bola. .

02:22 United States

Most Right-Handed Behind-The-Back Shots Made Into A Little Tikes Basketball Hoop In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey successfully completed six right-handed behind-the-back shots into a Little Tikesbasketball hoop in one minute.

02:02 United States

Most Left-Handed Shots Made Into A Little Tikes Basketball Hoop While Sitting In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey successfully completed 10 left-handed shots into a Little Tikes[] basketball hoop while seated in one minute.

01:52 United States

Most Left-Handed Shots Made Into A Little Tikes Basketball Hoop In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey succesfully completed 21 left-handed shots into a Little Tikes[]basketball hoop in one minute.

01:42 United States

Most Left-Handed Between-The-Legs Shots Made On A Little Tikes Basketball Hoop In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey successfully completed five left-handed between-the-legs shots into a Little Tikes basketball hoop in one minute.

01:57 United States

Most Right-Handed Between-The-Legs Basketball Shots Made On A Little Tikes Basketball Hoop In One Minute

Andy Pelphrey

Andy Pelphrey successfully completed 10 right-handed between-the-legs shots into a Little Tikes basketball hoop in one minute.

01:30 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Nintendo 64 Cartridge While On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on alternate sides of a Nintendo 64 cartridge 92 times while balancing on a rola bola.

02:25 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On A Nintendo 64 Cartridge While Balanced On A Rola Bola

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on a Nintendo 64 cartridge 245 times while balancing on a rola bola.

02:20 United States

Most Consecutive Bounces Of A Plastic Golf Ball On Alternate Sides Of A Nintendo 64 Cartridge

Brian Pankey

Brian Pankey bounced a plastic golf ball on alternate sides of a Nintendo 64 cartridge 258 consecutive times.

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