7868 Records Found

Most Leg-Free Crutch Circles Around Someone In One Minute
Josh Levine

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 325-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson

Most Balls Flashed While Wearing Sweatshirt
Grant Kovel
Most Jelly Babies Fit In Mouth
Abi Jones

Most Catches Juggling Three Basketballs In A Cascade Pattern While Balancing A Book On Head And Kneeling On An Exercise Ball
Mason Axcell

Most Runs Scored In A Friend Game Of "MLB Ballpark Empire"
Alex Cunningham

Most People Applying Sunscreen In The Rain

Most Runs Scored Against A Major League Team In "MLB Ballpark Empire"
Alex Cunningham

Most Four-Ball Holes Of Miniature Golf Played In 24 Hours By Four People
Allan Cox

Most Jumps In One Minute By Two Siblings With A Combined Age Of 6

Most Photos Taken With $1,000,000 US
Scott Roeben

Most Flash Kicks Hitting A Pool Noodle In 20 Seconds

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 225-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson

Most Leg Lifts On A Gymnastics Horizontal Bar In 15 Seconds
Michael Louis

Most Leg Lifts On A Gymnastics Horizontal Bar In 15 Seconds
Michael Louis

Most Leg Lifts On Men's Gymnastics Still Rings In 30 Seconds
Michael Louis
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