7868 Records Found

Most 5-Cent Coins Stacked In A Tower
Fiona frawley

Most 600-Pound Leg Press Reps In One Minute
Jason A Faulkner

Most 700-Pound Leg Press Reps In 30 Seconds
Jason A Faulkner

Most 720-Degree Circles Around A Myachi While Balancing On A Rola Bola
Brian Pankey

Most 750-Pound Leg Presses In One Minute (Senior)
Bruce Klein

Most 75-Kilogram Tire Flips In Eight Hours
Pieter Potgieter

Most 75-Kilogram Tire Flips In One Hour
Pieter Potgieter

Most 78 RPM Records Balanced On Head
Tai Star

Most 80's WWF Wrestlers Named In 30 Seconds While Held In A Pile Driver
Mark Malkoff

Most 831-Pound Incline Bench Presses By A 62-Year-Old
Albert Soares

Most 8's Written In 10 Seconds
Jayesh kumeriya

Most 90 Degree Flexed Hang Knee-To-Elbow Raises In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most 900-Pound Leg Press Reps In One Minute
Jason A Faulkner

Most 900-Pound Leg Presses In 30 Seconds
Jason A Faulkner

Most 9th Graders Singing "Let It Go" While Doing "The Wave" In A Bus
Terrell Thorogood

Most AA Batteries Held In 30 Seconds
Silvio Sabba
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