7868 Records Found

Most Abdominal Crunches Performed In One Hour
Ross Torres

Most Abdominal Floor Crunches In One Hour
Ross Torres

Most Abdominal Wheel Crunches In One Minute (Female)
sarah acosta

Most Abdominal Wheel Crunches In One Minute (Male)
Don Wade

Most Abdominal Wheel Roll-Outs From Standing Position In One Hour
Robert "Cozmo"

Most Above-Head Keepie Uppie Knee Touches
Laurent Kelly

Most Above-The-Head Yo-Yo Spins In One Minute
Joshua Headlam Charles

Most Abstract Images Created In Digital Format By A Single Artist
Georgian Records Federation

Most Academy Award-Winning Best Picture Films Named In 30 Seconds
Billie Stefan

Most Acrobatic RecordSetter World Records Set In 24 Hours
Michael Louis

Most Acrobatic RecordSetter World Records Set In One Year
Michael Louis

Most Acrobatic World Records Set On RecordSetter.com
Michael Louis

Most Actimel Bottles Drank Consecutively In One Sitting
Essex Animal

Most Action Figures Used To Cover One's Body
Travis McWhorter

Most Active Directory Certificates Received
Abhishant Kumar

Most Adam Sandler Movies Mentioned In A Tweet
Doron T
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