7868 Records Found

Most Consecutive Two-Finger Perfect Push-Ups
Sebastian Zenon Campbell Scott Howells

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 10 Seconds While Holding A Spring Force Tool In Both Hands
Pavol Durdik

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 10 Seconds While Holding Two 0.5-Kilogram Dumbbells
Pavol Durdik

Most Pogo Stick Jumps By A 13-Year-Old

Most Air Punches Performed In 30 Seconds While Holding A Push-Up Position
Pavol Durdik

Most Skittles Tossed And Caught In Mouth In One Minute
Cameron Guignet

Most Consecutive Perfect Push-Ups On A Beach
Clint Poore

Most Cups Juggled
Niels Duinker

Most Simultaneous Elephant Toothpaste Reactions
Science Bob

Most Planche Push-ups Performed On Parallel Bars
mark gubat

Most KOs In "Super Smash Bros.: Endless Smash" (Wii U)
Zimer ""

Most Bunny Hops On A Scooter In One Minute
Andrew Hutt

Most Strict Concrete Knuckle Squat Thrusts In Two Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Laps Walked On Top Of A Circle Of 92 Glass Bottles
Silvio Sabba

Most Consecutive Push-Ups While Carrying A 60-Pound Weight On Back
Georgian Records Federation

Most People Cutting A Grand Opening Ribbon At Once
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