Most World Records

7868 Records Found

00:28 Scotland

Most Consecutive Two-Finger Perfect Push-Ups

Sebastian Zenon Campbell Scott Howells

Sebastian Z. performed 13 consecutive two-finger perfect push-ups.

01:00 Slovakia

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 10 Seconds While Holding A Spring Force Tool In Both Hands

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik completed 95 direct strokes to a punching bag in 10 seconds while holding a spring force tool in both of his hands.

00:47 Slovakia

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Bag In 10 Seconds While Holding Two 0.5-Kilogram Dumbbells

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik completed 106 direct strokes to a punching bag in 10 seconds while holding two 0.5-kilogram dumbbells.

01:24:00 Canada

Most Pogo Stick Jumps By A 13-Year-Old


Kolby jumped on a pogo stick 10,415 times. He is 13 years old.

00:56 Slovakia

Most Air Punches Performed In 30 Seconds While Holding A Push-Up Position

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik completed 160 air punches in 30 seconds while holding a push-up position.

03:13 The Internet

Most Skittles Tossed And Caught In Mouth In One Minute

Cameron Guignet

Cameron G. caught 57 Skittles in his mouth in one minute.

01:14 United States

Most Consecutive Perfect Push-Ups On A Beach

Clint Poore

Clint Poore performed 44 perfect push-ups on a beach.

00:05 Netherlands

Most Cups Juggled

Niels Duinker

Niels Duinker juggled 14 cups.

01:07 United States

Most Simultaneous Elephant Toothpaste Reactions

Science Bob

During YouTube’s first-ever Super Bowl Halftime Show, Science Bob led a team of 20 YouTube stars in setting a world record for Most Simultaneous Elephant Toothpaste Reactions. Participants included Toby Turner, Freddie Wong, Meghan Camarena and Rhett McLaughlin. The record was set at YouTube Space LA.

00:36 Philippines

Most Planche Push-ups Performed On Parallel Bars

mark gubat

Mark G. performed 20 planche push-ups on parallel bars.

05:58 Mexico

Most KOs In "Super Smash Bros.: Endless Smash" (Wii U)

Zimer ""

Zimer made 7,651 KOs in Super Smash Bros.: Endless Smash.

01:08 United States

Most Bunny Hops On A Scooter In One Minute

Andrew Hutt

Andrew H. performed 203 bunny hops in his scooter in one minute.

02:35 United States

Most Strict Concrete Knuckle Squat Thrusts In Two Minutes

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 109 strict concrete knuckle squat thrusts in two minutes.

22:34 Italy

Most Laps Walked On Top Of A Circle Of 92 Glass Bottles

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter walked 32 laps on top of a circle of 92 glass bottles.

01:19 Georgia

Most Consecutive Push-Ups While Carrying A 60-Pound Weight On Back

Georgian Records Federation

Badri Jikurauli completed 57 push-ups while carrying a 60-pound weight on his back.

04:51 United States

Most People Cutting A Grand Opening Ribbon At Once


Led by CEO Tony Hsieh, 1,577 Zappos employees and friends cut a ribbon snaking through the Zappos headquarters plaza and up to several balcony levels. The record was set during the grand opening of the Zappos Headquarters in Downtown Las Vegas. RecordSetter Founders Dan Rollman and Corey Henderson were present to adjudicate the attempt. Read more about the feat here.

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