7868 Records Found

Most Air Humps In One Minute
Jason O'Brien

Most Consecutive Hands-Out Pull-Ups (Male)
Guillaume Creuza Powell

Most Quarters Fit Inside Nose
Paul Green

Most Nose Flares In One Minute
Havin Reeves

Most Golf Balls Held In Hand At Once
Silvio Sabba

Most "Gryphon" Ring Rolls Completed In One Minute
Rich Ferguson

Most Times Sitting On A Whoopee Cushion And Saying "Merry Christmas" In 15 Seconds While Dressed As Santa Claus
Clint Poore

Most Triple Egg Balance Bosu Knee Tucks And Single Egg Balance Perfect Pull-Ups
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Bench Pressing The "Mighty Cumberland River Rock"
Clint Poore

Most Boxes Of Christmas Cards Held In Hand While Dressed As Santa Claus
Clint Poore

Most Times Punching A Wookiee In The Stomach In 15 Seconds
Miki Agrawal

Most Deep Squats In Five Minutes
Radi Milev “65 years old”

Most CDs Spooled On Pinky Finger While Balancing A Pencil Between Lip And Nose
Deleted User

Most RecordSetter World Records Set In A Pizza Restaurant In One Day
Clint Poore

Most Two-Handed Eisenhower Dollar Coin Rolls In 30 Seconds
Brian Pankey

Most People Saying "We Love Majors Pizza" At Once
Chris Rathbone
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