7868 Records Found

Most Kip-Ups In 10 Seconds
Jared Circle

Most Xbox 360 Game Cases Balanced On One Finger
Deleted User

Most "Relay For Life" Cancer Fighters Wearing Purple Mustaches
Joseph Gillette

Most People Fitting 15 Marshmallows In Mouth While Balancing Five Books On Head And Standing On Chair
Jessica Fletcher

Most World Records Set At A Beauty Pageant
Ms. Tourism World Philippines 2014

Most Nintendo 64 Cartridges Held Upside Down Between Thumb And Index Finger

Most Yards Scored In "Run 'N Gun" (Online)
Seth Aiken

Most Consecutive Donkey Kicks
Vito O.

Most People Spinning In Office Chairs At Once
YouTube Nation

Most Pumpkin Spice Lattes Carried While Skateboarding
YouTube Nation

Most Glitter Balloons Popped In 11 Seconds
YouTube Nation

Most "First" Comments on YouTube In 35 Seconds While Rollerblading
YouTube Nation

Most Crowns Awarded At A Beauty Pageant
Ms. Tourism World Philippines 2014

Most Cannonballs Performed In 20 Minutes While Wearing A Speedo
20or20 Challenge

Most Finalists In A Beauty Pageant
Ms. Tourism World Philippines 2014

Most Australian Scouting Members Standing On One Leg While Reciting The Scout Promise
Ben Hodder
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