7868 Records Found

Most Crow Pose-Related RecordSetter World Records Held
Suresh Gaur

Most Coins Stacked On Edge Crossways
James G

Most Bicep Curl Reps Using Two 40-Pound Salt Bags
Emanuel E-mac

Most Operating Systems Running On A Computer At Once

Most Tennis Balls Used To Build A Tennis Ball Triangle
Silvio Sabba

Most Consecutive Grapevine Ice Skating Tricks Performed
Seth Magee

Most CDs Hanging On A Strand Tied On A Table Tennis Ball Held On Navel
Suresh Gaur

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 425-Pound Wooden Log
Clint Poore

Most People To Leap Frog The Most People In 90 Seconds
Jump Out La Salle

Most People On A Loveseat At Once
Jump Out La Salle

Most Dice Stepped On To Perform A Pistol Squat
Silvio Sabba

Most Catches Juggling Five Dube 2.25-Pound Exerballs
Seth Magee

Most People In A Minivan
Jump Out La Salle

Most Strangers Marker Mustached In 30 Seconds
Thomas Buchanan

Most Catches Juggling Three Stuffed Octopus Toys In Mills Mess Pattern
Seth Magee

Most Catches Juggling Three Rubber Toy Heads
Seth Magee
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