1207 Records Found

Longest "Grand Theft Auto V" Online Game Session
Alex Kuczek

Shortest Distance Achieved In "Toss The Turtle" (Online)
paul abrahams

Farthest Distance Achieved In "Cannon Man" (Online)
Alok Kumar

Farthest Distance Achieved In "Curl Up And Fly" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Most Units Of Honey Harvested In "Buzz Buster" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Diet" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Jewel Crush" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In Classic Mode Of "Sugar Drop" (Online)
Deleted User

Highest Score In "Burny Vegetables" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Pink Bear" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In Easy Mode Of "Bubble Bugs" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In Hard Mode Of "Wild Pixel West: Area 1" (Online)
Joseph Kenneally

Highest Score In "Cookie Slayer" (Online)
World Records For Everyone!

Highest Score In "Bear Like Apple: Level 1" (Online)
World Records For Everyone!

Highest Score In "Mini Putt 3" (Online)
Anthony Hyndiuk

Highest Score In "Pepper Panic Saga: Level 1" (Online)
Pavol Durdik
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