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642 Records Found
Most People Dressed As Charles Nelson Reilly
Comedy Central

Largest Group To Perform "Little Drummer Boy" During A Snowstorm
Aicha Kelley

Most People Jumping On A Hotel Bed
Jack Fischer

Most People Giving The Weather Forecast At Once On Live Radio
Mel Sampson

Largest Group To Throw Crumpled Papers
iD Tech Camps UC San Diego

Most People Riding "Air Horses"
Dave Thompson

Longest Lazy River Inner Tube Chain
iD Tech Camps Purdue University

Largest Group To Stare Down Cancer
Andrew Kowalski

Most Ice Cream Sandwiches Eaten By Two People In Five Minutes
Wesley Tansey

Most People On A Playground Swing At Once
Kristin maple

Most People Holding Lighted Oil Lamps At Once
Chinmaya Vidyalaya Matriculation

Largest Group Wall Sit
Steve Nash

Most People Playing Catch Using Plastic Balls
Bharathiyar Matriculation

Largest Group Sitting On A Bench Wearing Orange T-Shirts
Rebecca Pignot

Largest Group To Play "Frosty The Snowman" On Kazoos
ShadowGlen Elementary

Most Hammocks Suspended From A Tree
Clearwater Student Ministries
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