Person World Records
Person Challenges
- Longest Time A Person Has Ever Looked Pregnant
- Most Unfriended Person On Facebook
- Most Days In A Row That A Person Gives A Gift To A Complete Stranger
- Fastest Time To Wrap A Roll Of Tape Around A Person
- Youngest Person To Execute A Backflip
- Youngest Person To Juggle
- Youngest Person In Space
- Fastestest Time to be Kicked in Groin by 10 Different People
- Most Soccer Penalties Scored By One Person Into An Empty Goal In 1 Minute
- Most Push Ups Done Over A Person
95 Records Found

Oldest Person To Submit 1800 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Most Jumps Over A Person In 20 Seconds
Dries Wellekens

Oldest Person To Set 1,700 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Youngest Person To Identify 196 Countries
Ria Arun

Youngest Mother To Summit Mount Kilimanjaro
Giselle Camoens

Oldest Person To Have 1,600 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Youngest Person To Recite The Periodic Table Of Elements
Methu Menuwara

Youngest Person To Swim To Alcatraz Island And Back
James Savage

Youngest Person To Circumnavigate The World By Motorcycle
Mike Schram

Oldest Person To Set 1,500 RecordSetter World Records
Doug McManaman

Youngest Person To Convert A Regular Sports Car Into A Street Legal Electric Sports Car
Adam Lansing

Largest Water Balloon Fight At A Summer Camp
The Club of Springville

Most Marshmallows Stacked On A Person
The Club of Springville

Most Consecutive Times To Call Someone And Have Them Say "Hello" Without Saying Anything
Ren Levy

Most Pistol Squats Performed On Top Of A Person
Silvio Sabba

Youngest Poet To Recite His Own Published Poem
Indrajith Prabaswara
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