44 Records Found

01:01 England

Most Keepie Uppie Knee Touches In One Minute

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 155 keepie uppie knee touches in one minute.

04:40 England

Most Maradona 7 Soccer Tricks Performed

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 57 Maradona 7 soccer tricks.

00:37 England

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Crossovers While Seated

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 25 consecutive crossovers using a soccer ball while seated.

00:54 Slovakia

Most Soccer Ball Crossbar Hits In 10 Attempts

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts seven times out of ten attempts. Learn more about the feat here.

00:19 England

Most Consecutive Crossovers Using A Soccer Ball

Laurent Kelly

Laurent Kelly performed 15 crossovers using a soccer ball.

00:27 South Africa

Most Goals Scored In A Match In "FIFA 12" (XBox 360)

André Crafford

André C. scored 279 goals in a match while playing FIFA 12.

16:46 Canada

Longest Time Balancing Soccer Ball On Foot

John Tunstill

John T. balanced a soccer ball on his foot for 16 minutes, 6.90 seconds.

01:05 England

Most Keepie Uppie Knee Touches While Standing On One Foot

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. performed 142 keepie uppie knee touches while balanced on one foot.

01:25 England

Most Steps Climbed While Performing A Keepie Uppie

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. climbed 33 steps while performing a keepie uppie.

01:25 England

Most Keepie Uppie Headers While Kneeling

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. performed 129 keepie uppie headers while kneeling.

00:34 England

Most Consecutive Football Headers While Standing On One Foot

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. performed 44 keepie uppie headers while balancing on one foot.

03:39 Scotland

Most Consecutive Soccer Ball Juggles In One Minute In "FIFA 14"

Kyle Baptie

Kyle B. performed 166 consecutive soccer ball juggles in one minute in FIFA 14.

06:47 England

Most Keepie Uppie Knee Touches Using A Size 3 Soccer Ball

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. performed 791 keepie uppie knee touches using a size 3 soccer ball.

04:51 England

Fastest 800-Meter Keepie Uppie

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. ran 800 meters in four minutes, 43.18 seconds while playing keepie uppie with a football.

02:22 England

Fastest 400-Meter Keepie Uppie

Laurent Kelly

Laurent K. ran 400 meters in two minutes, 8.82 seconds while playing keepie uppie with a football.

00:20 The Internet

Fastest Time To Name Every FIFA World Cup Winner In Chronological Order

Paul Dmitriev

Paul Dmitriev, an intern at Big Soccer, named every winning FIFA World Cup team in chronological order in 7.15 seconds.

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