1904 Records Found

Longest Pike Hold In Support Position On A Balance Beam
Michael Louis

Longest Straddled Press-To-Handstand On A Gymnastics Balance Beam
Michael Louis

Longest Pike Hold Hanging From A Gymnastics Horizontal Bar
Michael Louis

Most Swivel Hips On A Competitive Trampoline
Michael Louis

Longest Planche Position On A Horizontal Bar While Supported By Two People
Michael Louis

Longest Piked Press-To-Handstand On A Gymnastics Balance Beam
Michael Louis

Fastest 50-Yard Dash In A Wheelchair While Juggling Two Basketballs
JJ Walker

Most Leg Lifts On Men's Gymnastics Still Rings In 30 Seconds
Michael Louis

Longest Straddled Press-To-Handstand On A Gymnastics Trapezoid Mat
Michael Louis

Longest Pike Hold In Support Position On Gymnastics Parallel Bars
Michael Louis

Fastest Time "Rounding The Bases" In A Wheelchair While Juggling Two Basketballs
JJ Walker

Longest Handstand On A Gymnastics Tumble Track
Michael Louis

Longest Press-To-Handstand On A Baseball Field
Michael Louis

Longest Straddled Handstand On A Gymnastics Horizontal Bar
Michael Louis

Longest Straddled Handstand On A Gymnastics Staircase Mat
Michael Louis

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 325-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson
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