1904 Records Found
Most Reps Bench Pressing A 365-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson
Heaviest Thick Handle One-Hand Deadlift (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
Most 831-Pound Incline Bench Presses By A 62-Year-Old
Albert Soares
Longest Planche On Circus Hand Balancing Canes
Michael Louis
Most Reps Bench Pressing A 225-Pound Weight (Athlete Under 220 Lbs.)
darius robinson
Most Consecutive Strict One-Armed "Perfect Push-Ups" In 10 Minutes On Alternating Hands
Alicia Weber
Longest All-Ages Soccer Game Marathon
Gregory Leonarczyk
Most Hook Kicks Performed With Both Sides Of The Body
Kevin Taylor
Most Boards Broken With Fists While Performing A Leg Split
Kevin Taylor
Most Pop-Up Exercises Performed In One Minute
Most Consecutive Bare Knuckle Push-Ups In 15 Minutes
Alicia Weber
Most "Archercise" Records Set On Halloween
Alicia Weber
Most 200-Pound Preacher Curls
Emanuel E-mac
Most 205-Pound Upright Rows Using A Smith Machine
Jason A Faulkner
Fastest Time Lifting Two 19-Kilogram Dumbbells Overhead 100 Times
Suman Singh
Fastest Time For A 21-Year-Old To Complete 50 Pull-Ups And 50 Push-Ups
Jim Sherwood
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