1904 Records Found

Most Times Saying "Tom Brady Is Awesome" In 10 Seconds While Tom Brady Is Interviewed On TV In The Background
Cache Henson

Most Laps Walked Around A Table Tennis Table While Bouncing A Table Tennis Ball
Matt Parsons

Fastest Completion Of Five Cartwheels
Vaughan Pullen

Most Weight Suspended On Fingertips
Thommy Ohlund

Most Two-Armed and One-Legged Leaping Mountain Climbers In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most 50-Pound Right-Arm Dumbbell Presses In One Minute
Ste Stevens

Most One-Legged Burpees With Opposite One-Armed Push-Ups With End Jump And Clap In One Minute
Alicia Weber

Most Consecutive Inverted Rows Pull-Ups
Alicia Weber

Oldest Person To Squat 230 Pounds For 10 Reps
Omega Force

Most Reps Performing 35-Minute Strict Pull-Squat-Push
Alicia Weber

Most Pistol Squats On A Scaffold In One Minute
Silvio Sabba

Fastest Time To Strike 100 Martial Arts Punches
Pavol Durdik

Most Shoulder-Level Perfect Pull-Ups In Five Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Deadlifting 494-Pound Antique Gear Wheels
Omega Force

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 345-Pound Wooden Log
Clint Poore

Most Consecutive Full Extension Push-Ups On Fingers And Toes
Adel Khalil
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