Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

00:34 Egypt

Most Consecutive Four-Finger Push-Ups (Female)

Mariam Mahmoud

Mariam M. performed 28 consecutive four-finger push-ups.

00:51 United States

Most Reps Two-Board Bench Pressing A 445-Pound Barbell

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed four reps two-board bench pressing a 445-pound barbell.

01:43 France

Most Consecutive Back-Of-Hand Flying Superman Push-Ups

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume B. performed 44 consecutive back-of-hand flying superman push-ups.

04:16 United States

Most One-Armed Push-Ups In One Minute While Carrying A 40-Pound Weight On Back

Jeremiah Gould

Jeremiah G. performed 130 one-armed push-ups in one minute while carrying a 40-pound weight on his back.

00:57 United States

Most Reps Two-Board Bench Pressing A 455-Pound Barbell

Clint Poore

Clint Poore completed four reps two-board bench pressing a 455-pound barbell.

01:13 India

Most Kip-Ups In One Minute

Shridhar Shinde

Shridhar S. performed 38 kip-ups in one minute.

03:28 Portugal

Largest Wave Surfed

Carlos Burle

Carlos Burle surfed a 100-feet tall wave, setting a surfing world record. He set the record off the coast of central Portugal.

00:55 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 350-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed nine reps bench pressing a 350-pound barbell. His body weight was 232 pounds during the attempt.

02:09 United States

Fastest Time To Perform 1,000 Cumulative Pounds Of Weighted Pull-Ups

John Orth

John O. performed 1,000 cumulative pounds of weighted pull-ups in one minute, 1.05 second.

01:37 Italy

Most Pistol Squats On Two Bottles In One Minute

Silvio Sabba

Record Setter performed 24 consecutive pistol squats on two bottles in one minute.

00:50 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 425-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed three reps bench pressing a 425-pound barbell. His body weight was 234 pounds during the attempt.

01:02 United States

Most Bench Presses Of A 380-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. completed six reps bench pressing a 380-pound barbell. His body weight was 231 pounds during the attempt.

01:12 United States

Most Standing Back Flips Performed In A Roll-Off In One Minute


Members of Victory Gymnastics Academy performed a total of 133 standing back flips in a roll-off in one minute. The record was set during National Gymnastics Day 2013 at Victory Gymnastics Academy in San Diego, California.

01:00 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 390-Pound Barbell (Athlete Under 235 Lbs.)

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 390-pound barbell four times. His body weight was 232 pounds during the attempt.

00:59 United States

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 400-Pound Wooden Log

Clint Poore

Clint P. bench pressed a 400-pound wooden log seven times.

01:01 United States

Most Over-The-Shoulder Reps In 30 Seconds Using A 100-Pound Medicine Ball

Clint Poore

Clint P. lifted a 100-pound medicine ball over his shoulder 10 times in 30 seconds.

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