Sports World Records

1904 Records Found

02:02 Australia

Most Cricket Balls Held In Hand (Palm Up)


Demythrate held six cricket balls in one hand with his palm facing up.

03:16 Slovakia

Most Direct Strokes To A Punching Dummy In One Minute While Holding Two 1-Kilogram Dumbbells

Pavol Durdik

Pavol Durdik made 401 direct strokes to a punching dummy in one minute while holding two 1-kilogram dumbbells.

01:03 United States

Most Consecutive Thick Bar L Chin-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 29 consecutive thick bar L chin-ups.

01:18 United States

Most Consecutive Thick Bar L Pull-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 29 consecutive thick bar L pull-ups.

00:58 Australia

Most Cricket Balls Held In Hand (Palm Down)


Demythrate held five cricket balls in one hand with his palm facing down.

00:43 The Internet

Most Times Performing Full Body Decline-To-Incline Chest Press Using A 100-Pound Barbell

Abraham Solomon

Abraham S. performed three full body decline-to-incline chest presses using a 100-pound barbell.

07:17 France

Most One-Armed Push-Ups With Feet Tied Together

Guillaume Bourgeois

Guillaume Bourgeois performed 110 one-armed push-ups with his feet tied together.

00:43 United States

Most Full Rep Towel L Pull-Ups

Alicia Weber

Alicia Weber performed 45 full rep towel L pull-ups.

03:28 England

Longest Time Bouncing A Tennis Ball Alternately On Two Tennis Racquets

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson bounced a tennis ball alternately on two tennis racquets for three minutes, 6.28 seconds.

03:00 United States

Longest Time Sprinting While Dragging A 300-Pound Sled

Matt deleo

Matt D. performed a sprint for two minutes, 34.09 seconds while dragging a 300-pound sled.

00:54 Slovakia

Most Soccer Ball Crossbar Hits In 10 Attempts

Tomáš Lubelec

Tomáš Lubelec hit the crossbar on a pair of goalposts seven times out of ten attempts. Learn more about the feat here.

01:09 Italy

Slowest Fiststand Push-Up Against A Wall

andrea pallini

Andrea Pallini took 49.14 seconds to perform a fiststand push-up against a wall.

02:42 The Internet

Most Consecutive Push-Ups In 30 Seconds While Carrying A 50-Kilogram Weight On Back

Dnb Boss

Dnb Boss completed 21 push-ups in 30 seconds while carrying a 50-kilogram weight on his back.

00:32 India

Longest Time Holding A Martial Arts Front Kick Position

Sachin Solanki

Sachin Solanki held a martial arts front kick position for 30.32 seconds.

00:22 Northern Ireland

Most BMX Front Hops Using One Leg

Martin Tuson

Martin Tuson performed 63 BMX front hops using his left leg.

27:20 United States

Most Behind-The-Back Basketball Dribbles In 25 Minutes (Junior)

Stepan R

Stepan R. dribbled a basketball behind his back 2,150 times in 25 minutes. He is 10 years old.

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