1904 Records Found

Farthest Arm Walk And Foot Glide In 20 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Sit-Ups On A Floating Paddleboard In Two Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Push-Ups On A Floating Paddleboard In 90 Seconds
Alicia Weber

Farthest Arm Walk And Foot Glide In 10 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Longest Time Stationary Cycling While Carrying 300-Pound Weight
William Cannon

Longest One-Armed Elbow Plank With Other Arm Behind Back While Carrying A 60-Pound Rucksack
Mick Bourke

Most Steps Taken On 19-Inch High Concrete Blocks While Carrying An 88-Pound Barbell On Shoulders (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon

Most Reps Doing "Hurricane Matthew" Arm-Ab Challenge In 30 Minutes
Alicia Weber

Most Steps Taken On 16-Inch High Concrete Blocks While Carrying A 132-Pound Barbell On Shoulders (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon

Most Consecutive Three-Finger Ipsilateral One-Arm One-Leg Push-Ups
andrea pallini

Greatest Distance Climbed In Monkey Bar L Climb In 30 Seconds
Alicia Weber

Most Steps Taken On 26-Inch High Concrete Blocks While Carrying A 66-Pound Barbell On Shoulders (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon

Most Pull-Ups In One Minute Followed By Most Chin-Ups In One Minute
Alicia Weber

Most Steps Taken On 13-Inch High Concrete Blocks While Carrying A 181-Pound Barbell On Shoulders (Athlete Under 200 Lbs.)
William Cannon

Longest Football Hike Chain
Academy Sports & Outdoors

Heaviest Olympic Barbell Tricep Extension Behind Head While Lying Down (Athlete Over 50 Years Old)
Thommy Ohlund
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