1904 Records Found

Fastest Time To Perform 15 Push-Ups While Balancing Six Bricks On Back
Dr.Ashish Mehta

Most Reps Deadlifting A 540-Pound Giant Tire
Clint Poore

Fastest 1500-Meter Cross Country Run 10-Yard Archery Combination
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Performing A 20-Minute Plank Calisthenic Challenge
Alicia Weber

Most Reps Bench Pressing A 380-Pound Wooden Log
Clint Poore

Most Jump Kicks In One Minute

Fastest Time For A 15-Year-Old To Perform 47 Knuckle Push-Ups
Mohsin Hussain

Most Consecutive One-Armed Chin-Ups
Ethan Wiley

Fastest 100-Yard Beach Forward Crab Walk
Alicia Weber

Most One-Armed Knuckle Push-Ups Performed By A 15-Year-Old In 30 Seconds
Mohsin Hussain

Most Calf Raises Using A 1100-Pound Weight On A Leg Press Machine
Jason A Faulkner

Fastest 100-Yard Beach Backward Crab Walk
Alicia Weber

Most Acrobatic RecordSetter World Records Set In One Year
Michael Louis

Fastest Time To Perform 18 Fingertip Push-Ups While Balancing Two Bricks On Back
Dr.Ashish Mehta

Fastest Time To Perform A 100 Strict Pull-Up 10-Yard Archery Bullseye Combo
Alicia Weber

Most Arrows Shot Into An Archery Target In Five Hours (Female)
spkschools namakkal
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