12 Records Found

Most People Wearing Cashew Mustaches In A Swimming Pool
Mr. Peanut

Longest Time Standing On An Inflatable Raft In A Swimming Pool
Axel Peterson

Coldest Swimming Pool To Perform A Burpee Exercise Into
Lloyd Weema

Most Cannonballs Performed In 20 Minutes While Wearing A Speedo
20or20 Challenge

Most Bricks Karate Chopped Underwater
Kevin Taylor

Shallowest Water To Swim In While Doing A Backstroke
Kenny Khong

Most Consecutive Pool Badminton Volleys

Longest Distance Unicycled Underwater
Zakk Shanks

Most Swimming Pool High Fives In 15 Seconds
Nick McGlynn

Longest Lazy River Inner Tube Chain
iD Tech Camps Purdue University

Most Pool Noodles Fit In The Cargo Area Of A Prius
Prius Records

Most People Fit Inside A Swim Cap
Joey Mette
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