77 Records Found

Largest Personal Database
Darryl Learie

Largest Collection Of Personal Pictures
Darryl Learie

Most Kids Coding In One Day

Most People Singing "Happy Birthday" While Using Mobile Devices
Chiro 't Ark Leffinge

Fastest Time To Tweet "Hello"
Louie Fine

Longest "Narwhals Video" On YouTube
Mitch Moore

Most Viruses On A Computer
Joharren Stewart

Largest Picture Slide Show On YouTube
Darryl Learie

Most Windows Opened In 10 Secconds
The Sheepster

Longest Time Disabling iPad
Hayden Hendricks

Most People Broadcasting Facebook Live Videos At Once
Steve Garfield

Slowest Time To Open Google's Homepage
yre khara

Most E-Books Published In One Day
Nicolas Saperstein

Longest FaceTime Chat
George Hollen

Highest Number Counted To In A Facebook Group With Fewer Than 100 Members
Mia Spicer

Most Shoutouts To Active Twitter Users In A Single Tweet
Raymond Barbosa
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