Most Strangers' Drinks Sipped Out Of In 15 Seconds
Henri Mazza drank from 15 strangers’ drinks in 15 seconds. The record was set at Do512’s World Record Party, held at... (more)
Oct 14 HenriMazza
Longest "Beericorn"
Using sweat and condensation as adhesive, Patrick MacIntosh kept a beer can attached to his forehead for one minute, 53.15... (more)
Dec 10 PatrickM 3 comments
Most People Involved In Shaving Off One Man's Beard
Corey Henderson said goodbye to his beard in style by letting a world record 23 people contribute to shaving it off his face.... (more)
Dec 11 CoreyHenderson
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Risking both blood and the consequences of a less manly look, Dan Rollman set a new universal record by shaving off his full... (more)
Dec 15 DanRollman 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Josh Petersel shaved off his mustache in 36.65 seconds. The feat was achieved on July, 18, 2009 at the Pitchfork... (more)
Nov 14 JoshPetersel 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Mac Greschak shaved off his mustache in 46.47 seconds. The feat was achieved on July, 18, 2009 at the Pitchfork... (more)
Aug 17 MacGreschak 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Zachariah Harris shaved off his mustache in 40.79 seconds. The feat was achieved on July, 18, 2009 at the Pitchfork... (more)
Aug 17 ZachariahHarris 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Zak Frieling shaved off his mustache in 62.87 seconds. The feat was achieved on July, 18, 2009 at the Pitchfork... (more)
Aug 17 ZakFrieling 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Ron Klawinski shaved off his mustache in 42 seconds. The feat was achieved on July, 19, 2009 at the Pitchfork Music Festival[]... (more)
Aug 17 RonKlawinski 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Bryson Pennock shaved off his mustache in 15.50 seconds.
Dec 14 BrysonPennock 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Kamal A. shaved off his mustache in 12.59 seconds.
Nov 09 KamalAslam 5 comments
Fastest Time To Shave Off One's Mustache
Josh P. shaved off his mustache in 6.28 seconds.
Jan 31 JoshPetersel1 5 comments
Most Scars (Female)
In a world record that took years to set, Fuscia L’Amour displays an unprecedented 11 unique scars on her body. The scars were... (more)
Dec 16 Fuscia 21 comments
Fastest Accordion Player
Peter Grigorov played 20.3 notes per second on his accordion, a new world record. He played Flight of the Bumblebee in setting... (more)
Dec 17 PeterG 9 comments
Most People Complimented In One Minute
Opus Moreschi demonstrated the tremendous size of his heart by complimenting a world record 16 different people in just one... (more)
Dec 19 Opus
Most People Complimented In One Minute
Alex Waisley complimented 27 people in one minute. Compliments were not allowed to be repeated, and each one had to have a... (more)
Aug 17 AlexWaisley
Most People Complimented In One Minute
Allison B complimented 27 people in one minute. Compliments were not allowed to be repeated, and each one had to have a genuine... (more)
Aug 17 AllisonB
Most People Complimented In One Minute
Chris Holan complimented 21 people in one minute. Compliments were not allowed to be repeated, and each one had to have a genuine... (more)
Aug 17 ChrisHolan
Most People Complimented In One Minute
Kyle Ramos complimented 22 people in one minute. Compliments were not allowed to be repeated, and each one had to have a genuine... (more)
Aug 17 KyleRamos