1. #198

    Longest Operatic Cadenza

    Operatic tenor Michael Kennedy sang acadenza that was one hour, 34.40 seconds in length. The cadenza contains theme tunes from... (more)

    May 12 MichaelKennedy2 10 comments England
  2. #199

    Longest Operatic Cadenza

    Operatic tenor Michael Kennedy sang a cadenza that was 38 minutes, 40 seconds in length.

    Apr 19 MichaelKennedy2 10 comments England
  3. #200

    Longest Operatic Cadenza

    Operatic tenor Michael Kennedy sang a cadenza that was one hour, seven minutes, 12.00 seconds in length.

    May 21 MichaelKennedy5 10 comments England
  4. #201

    Most Golf Ball Bounces Over Leg Using A Golf Club In 30 Seconds

    Adam M. bounced a golf ball using a golf club over his leg 48 times in 30 seconds.

    May 01 AdamMiller1 1 comment The Internet
  5. #202

    Most Golf Ball Bounces Over Leg Using A Golf Club In 30 Seconds

    Using a sand wedge, Jon Birdsong bounced a golf ball over his left leg 28 times in 30 seconds.

    Nov 16 JonBirdsong 1 comment United States
  6. #203

    Most Tandem Stationary Stair Steps In 30 Seconds

    Chris Ryan and Zoe Munson completed a combined total of 140 stationary stair steps in 30 seconds.

    Nov 16 ChrisRyan United States
  7. #204

    Most 35-Pound Curls While Performing A Suspended Split

    Michael Martin completed three 35-pound curls while performing a suspended split.

    Nov 16 MichaelMartin 8 comments United States
  8. #205

    Most Sheets Of Paper Stuffed Inside A Shirt

    Patrick Hardin stuffed 33 pieces of paper inside his t-shirt. The paper consisted of old notes and research from school.

    Nov 17 PatrickHardin 9 comments The Internet
  9. #207

    Most Sheets Of Paper Stuffed Inside A Shirt

    Marc Tatarsky stuffed 45 pieces of paper inside his t-shirt.

    Aug 08 mmm 9 comments United States
  10. #208

    Most Sheets Of Paper Stuffed Inside A Shirt

    Joseph Nagy stuffed 99 pieces of paper inside his t-shirt.

    Jun 14 JoeNagy 9 comments Belgium
  11. #209

    Most Sheets Of Paper Stuffed Inside A Shirt

    Charles H. stuffed 103 pieces of paper inside his t-shirt.

    Nov 30 CharlesHughes 9 comments United States
  12. #210

    Most Sheets Of Paper Stuffed Inside A Shirt

    Mateusz S. stuffed 101 pieces of paper inside his t-shirt.

    Jul 15 NoBruh 9 comments United States
  13. #211

    Most People Pretending To Be Sea Otters

    Piper Kerman and nine of her friends pretended to be sea otters at once. tag:RecordSetterBook01

    Nov 17 PiperKerman 4 comments United States
  14. #212

    Most Retorts By A Deli Waiter In 30 Seconds

    Deli waiter Bradley Kramer gave 11 retorts in 30 seconds. He read a total of 24 retorts but only 11 were within the time... (more)

    Nov 17 BradleyKramer United States
  15. #213

    Fastest Time To Register A Private Limited Company Via The Internet

    Entrepreneur Raivo Keskra established the private limited enterprise Hankeabi OUuml; in 18 minutes, 3.05 seconds. Keskra... (more)

    Dec 02 RavioKeskra 222 comments
  16. #214

    Most Golf Balls Balanced On Chin

    Doug McManaman balanced 56 golf balls on a tower on his chin. The four balls that fall off at the beginning of the video were not... (more)

    Nov 18 DougMcManaman 6 comments Canada
  17. #215

    Most Indie Hip Hop Albums Released In One Year

    Derek Simmons, who releases albums under the alias of Force One Networkz[], has recorded and released 17 indie hip hop albums... (more)

    Nov 19 DerekSimmons1 1 comment United States
  18. #216

    Most Marshmallows Fit In Mouth While Counting "Fuzzy Bunny" Style

    Jamie Antonisse fit 13 marshmallows in his mouth, saying "Fuzzy Bunny[]" after fitting each one. NOTE: Stuffing food in your... (more)

    Nov 20 JamieAntonisse 6 comments United States