1. #236

    Fastest Time For Two People To Text The Words "O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?" Back And Forth To One Another

    Christine and Emily sent and received seven text messages in 47.30 seconds quoting William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet with... (more)

    Sep 23 ChristineMaKayla 2 comments Canada
  2. #237

    Fastest Time For Two People To Text The Words "O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?" Back And Forth To One Another

    Tim Sandlund and Tallie Nicola sent and received seven text messages quoting the words in William Shakespeare’s “O Romeo,... (more)

    Nov 23 TimSandlund 2 comments United States
  3. #238

    Fastest Time For Two People To Text The Words "O Romeo, Romeo, Wherefore Art Thou Romeo?" Back And Forth To One Another

    Joel MacNeil and Casey Romain sent and received seven text messages in one minute, 2.70 seconds quoting [William... (more)

    Dec 30 J-SWIZZLE 2 comments Canada
  4. #239

    Fastest Time To Write A Limerick

    Patrick Hardin wrote a limerick in one minute, 12.43 seconds. The limerick read: There once was a man named Patrick Who... (more)

    Nov 23 PatrickHardin 1 comment The Internet
  5. #240

    Fastest Time To Write A Limerick

    Viktor O. wrote a limerick in 47.48 seconds. The limerick read: There once was a man named Joe, Who loved to play in the... (more)

    Feb 13 Vito 1 comment United States
  6. #241

    Fastest Time To Write A Limerick

    Mark S. wrote a limerick in 41.14 seconds. The limerick read: There once was a man from Missouri, He seemed always in such a big... (more)

    Jan 05 MarkShadowmont 1 comment United States
  7. #242

    Largest Pastel Eaten

    Marc consumed a 30-centimeter cheese pastel from Pastel do Trevo de Bertioga[] in Boraceia, outside of Sao Paulo, Brazil. NOTE:... (more)

    Nov 25 Marc 3 comments United States
  8. #243

    Tallest Living Christmas Tree Featuring An Animated Light Show

    The Coeur d’Alene Resort in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho features a 162-foot tall Christmas tree decorated with an animated light show.... (more)

    Nov 27 TheCoeurd'AleneResort 3 comments United States
  9. #244

    Most Staples Stapled Into A Piece of Paper In 10 Seconds

    Brandon Pearson stapled 57 staples into a piece of paper in 10 seconds.

    Apr 12 BrandonPearson United States
  10. #245

    Most Staples Stapled Into A Piece of Paper In 10 Seconds

    Nicky P. stapled 60 staples into a piece of paper in 10 seconds.

    Mar 25 NickyNickyPembroke United States
  11. #246

    Most Homemade Pies Donated To A Mission

    Craig Morrison and Sam Stilson, also known as The Record Collection, donated 14 homemade pumpkin pies to The Good Shepherd... (more)

    Dec 22 TheRecordCollection 9 comments Canada
  12. #247

    Longest 'Cock A Snook' Chain

    Monica Welsh, Sean Welsh, Greg Plum, and Gerald Mischke used eight hands to create the world’s longest cock a snook chain.

    Nov 30 MonicaWelsh 7 comments United States
  13. #248

    Longest 'Cock A Snook' Chain

    19 people (38 hands in total) at Sean Welsh’s birthday collaborated on the world’s longest cock-a-snook.

    Sep 21 MonicaWelsh 7 comments United States
  14. #249

    Longest 'Cock A Snook' Chain

    At the RecordSetter release party for the RecordSetter Book of World Records, 36 people collaborated on the world’s longest cock... (more)

    Oct 21 Emily-M 7 comments United States
  15. #250

    Fastest Time To Drink 225ml Of Chocolate Milk From A Bag

    Tomer Salton drank a 225ml bag of chocolate mile in 5.47 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution and... (more)

    Dec 01 TomerSalton 5 comments The Internet
  16. #251

    Fastest Time To Drink 225ml Of Chocolate Milk From A Bag

    Tomer Salton drank a 225ml bag of chocolate milk in 3.90 seconds. NOTE: Speed drinking can be dangerous. Please use caution and... (more)

    Dec 18 TomerSalton 5 comments The Internet
  17. #252

    Most Consecutive Push-Ups In A Pickup Truck Swimming Pool

    Gavin Martin completed seven consecutive push-ups in the bed of a 1993 B2200 Mazda pickup truck, with the bed turned into a... (more)

    Jul 06 GavinMartin 8 comments United States
  18. #253

    Most Times Writing "Liverpool" With An Orange Highlighter In 45 Seconds

    Connor Ferguson wrote “Liverpool” ten times on a sheet of paper using an orange highlighter in 45 seconds.

    Dec 02 ConnorFerguson Canada
  19. #254

    Most Times Writing "Liverpool" With An Orange Highlighter In 45 Seconds

    Peter Craig wrote “Liverpool” with an orange highlighter 14 times within 45 seconds. This record was one of 14 records he... (more)

    Jul 20 PeterCraig Australia