1. #217

    Most Marshmallows Fit In Mouth While Counting "Fuzzy Bunny" Style

    OJ Borg fit 16 marshmallows in his mouth, saying "Fuzzy Bunny" after fitting each one. He set the record as part of Party Poop... (more)

    Apr 22 OJBorg1 6 comments England
  2. #218

    Most Marshmallows Fit In Mouth While Counting "Fuzzy Bunny" Style

    Jamie A. fit 22 marshmallows in his mouth, saying "Fuzzy Bunny" after fitting each one. WARNING: Stuffing food in mouth can be... (more)

    Sep 04 JamieAntonisse2 6 comments The Internet
  3. #219

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Timothy Bost bounced a golf ball behind his back 84 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Nov 20 TimothyBost 16 comments United States
  4. #220

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Dylan Porter bounced a golf ball behind his back 406 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Apr 02 DylanPorter 16 comments The Internet
  5. #221

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Michael Lavery bounced a golf ball behind his back 127 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Feb 16 MichaelLavery 16 comments United States
  6. #222

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Jon Birdsong bounced a golf ball behind his back 178 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Feb 24 JonBirdsong 16 comments United States
  7. #223

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Jon Birdsong bounced a golf ball behind his back 248 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Mar 05 JonBirdsong 16 comments United States
  8. #224

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Michael Lavery bounced a golf ball behind his back 200 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Mar 04 MichaelLavery 16 comments United States
  9. #225

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Taylor Thompson bounced a golf ball behind his back 610 consecutive times using a golf club. tag:RecordSetterBook01

    Aug 01 TaylorThompson 16 comments The Internet
  10. #226

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Dylan Porter bounced a golf ball behind his back 415 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Jul 29 DylanPorter 16 comments The Internet
  11. #227

    Most Consecutive "Behind The Back" Golf Ball Bounces

    Taylor Thompson bounced a golf ball behind his back 409 consecutive times using a golf club.

    Jul 27 TaylorThompson 16 comments The Internet
  12. #228

    Fastest Time To Roll 112 Feet, 3 Inches Down A Hill

    Cameron Davis rolled his way down a 112-foot, 3-inch hill in 20.13 seconds.

    Nov 20 CameronDavis 1 comment United States
  13. #229

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Monica Oliver wrote out all 26 letters of the English alphabet in 10.04 seconds.

    Nov 24 MonicaOliver 15 comments Spain
  14. #230

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Mikey Dog wrote all 26 letters of the English alphabet out in 12.79 seconds.

    Nov 23 MikeyDog 15 comments United States
  15. #231

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Sean Krueger wrote out all 26 letters of the English alphabet in 9.46 seconds.

    Dec 02 SeanKrueger 15 comments United States
  16. #232

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Record Setter wrote out all 26 letters of the English alphabet in 8.67 seconds.

    Mar 08 RecordSetter101 15 comments Nepal
  17. #233

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Olivia M. wrote all 26 letters of the English alphabet out in 8.08 seconds.

    Feb 11 OliviaMcCulloch1 15 comments United States
  18. #234

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Hunter H. wrote all 26 letters of the English alphabet out in 8.28 seconds.

    Jun 04 HunterHiegert 15 comments The Internet
  19. #235

    Fastest Time To Write The English Alphabet

    Jayesh K. wrote all 26 letters of the English alphabet out in 7.44 seconds.

    May 08 Jayeshkumeriya 15 comments India