Longest Marshmallow Roasting Stick
Gregg, Alexander, Eliana, Max, Tucker, Estelle, Warren, Bennett, Briggs, Thatcher, Keegan, Owen, Barrett, and Kellen had a... (more)
Jun 26 GreggSpiridellis 6 comments
Largest Group Piggyback Hug
Eleven piggy-backed pairs joined together for a 22-person group hug. The feat was achieved on October 17, 2009 at the Saucony... (more)
Oct 23 LindseyByers 6 comments
Largest Group Piggyback Hug
14 piggy-backed pairs of students joined together for a 28-person group hug.
Feb 08 Ash Ketchum 6 comments
Largest Group Piggyback Hug
Led by Jeff Tomlinson, 32 pairs of students joined together for a 64-person piggyback group hug.
Apr 10 JeffreyTomlinson 6 comments
Largest Group Rendition Of "Don't Stop Believin"
John Cabral led a group of 121 concert-goers in the largest group rendition of Don’t Stop Believin’ by the rock band... (more)
Oct 23 JohnCabral 1 comment
Fastest 1/4 Mile Bike Ride With Dog
Art Hoffman completed a 1/4 mile bike ride with his dog Chenji in one minute and 0.33 seconds.
Aug 18 ArtHoffman 10 comments
Fastest 1/4 Mile Bike Ride With Dog
Art Hoffman completed a 1/4 mile bike ride with his dog Chenji in 58.87 seconds.
Oct 26 ArtHoffman 10 comments
Fastest Time To Run Across A Covered Swimming Pool
Shin Clinton ran across his covered swimming pool in 4.69 seconds.
Oct 27 ShinClinton 13 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Matt Falls consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in three minutes, 23.06 seconds. NOTE: Stuffing food in your mouth can be... (more)
Oct 26 MattFalls 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Whitney Meersconsumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in two minutes, 59.41 seconds. Meers set the record at a World Record... (more)
Oct 06 WhitneyMeers 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Trenton Graham consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in two minutes, 48.82 seconds. NOTE: Stuffing food in your mouth can be... (more)
Apr 05 TrentonGraham 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Matthew C. consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in one minute, 0.43 second. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous.... (more)
Aug 31 MatthewCohen 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Travis M. consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in 57.40 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous. Please do not... (more)
Oct 26 TravisMizejewski 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Naader Reda consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in one minute, 15.00 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous.... (more)
Sep 26 NaaderReda 7 comments
Fastest Time To Eat 15 Chocolate Mini Doughnuts
Travis M. consumed 15 chocolate mini doughnuts in one minute, 5.80 seconds. WARNING: Speed eating can be extremely dangerous.... (more)
Mar 18 TravisMizejewski 7 comments
Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times
Matthew and his friend hugged each other 10 times in 1.48 seconds.
Jun 29 MatthewJackson 8 comments
Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times
Rachel and her friend hugged each other 10 times in 1.38 seconds.
Jul 23 Rachelstege 8 comments
Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times
Matthew J. and Matthew S. hugged each other 10 times in 1.23 seconds.
Aug 05 MatthewJackson 8 comments
Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times
Jason O’Brien and Andrew Chiccini hugged each other 10 times in 3.36 seconds. tag:RecordSetterBook01
Aug 24 JasonO'Brien 8 comments