1. #84

    Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times

    Joshua Middendorp and Tucker Kinder hugged each other 10 times in 7.25 seconds. The feat was achieved on October 18, 2009 at... (more)

    Oct 26 TuckerKinder 8 comments United States
  2. #85

    Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times

    Julie and her friend hugged each other 10 times in 1.76 seconds.

    Jul 04 Deactivated 8 comments United States
  3. #86

    Fastest Time For Two People To Hug 10 Times

    Christian Bullard and his friend hugged each other 10 times in 2.40 seconds.

    Jul 09 ChristianBullard 8 comments The Internet
  4. #87

    Fastest Time To Recite "At A Minute Or Two 'Til Two"

    James Hulser recited the At A Minute Or Two ’Til Two tongue twister in 7.57 seconds.

    Oct 26 JamesHulser 18 comments United States
  5. #88

    Smallest Paper Airplane

    Teody Jasper built a paper airplane that measures 1.1mm (0.04inch) in length.

    Nov 05 TeodyJasper 30 comments Philippines
  6. #89

    Smallest Paper Airplane

    Reto S. built a paper airplane that measures 1 mm (0.03 inch) in length.

    Feb 23 RetoSchläfli 30 comments Switzerland
  7. #90

    Smallest Paper Airplane

    Reto S. built a paper airplane that measures 1.4mm (1/18") in length.

    Feb 04 RetoSchläfli 30 comments Switzerland
  8. #91

    Most Air Guitar Windmills In 30 Seconds

    Spencer Borbon completed 79 air guitar windmills in 30 seconds. The windmills were done in the spirit of legendary guitarist... (more)

    May 20 SpencerBorbon 2 comments United States
  9. #92

    Most Air Guitar Windmills In 30 Seconds

    Jordan Johnston completed 91 air guitar windmills in 30 seconds.

    Aug 25 JordanJohnston 2 comments Canada
  10. #93

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Sydney K and her friend switched their pants in 9.13 seconds.

    Oct 06 LL 8 comments United States
  11. #94

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Mark Clementson and Kyle Nisson switched their pants in 8.63 seconds.

    Jan 27 MattBrodsky1 8 comments United States
  12. #95

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Keith Poole and Brandon Polk switched their pants in 12.47 seconds. The feat was achieved on October 18, 2009 at the Saucony... (more)

    Oct 27 KeithPoole 8 comments United States
  13. #96

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Matt Dalton and Sean Haley switched their pants in 11.37 seconds. tag:RecordSetterBook01

    Dec 04 MattDalton1 8 comments United States
  14. #97

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Josh Graber and Thomas McGinniss switched their pants in 10.68 seconds.

    Apr 06 McGraber! 8 comments United States
  15. #98

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Jesus Renteria and Ethan Rome switched their pants in 11.00 seconds flat.

    Mar 06 JesusRenteria 8 comments The Internet
  16. #99

    Fastest Time For Two People To Switch Pants

    Charles' friends switched their pants in 8.30 seconds.

    Apr 29 CharlesTruong 8 comments The Internet
  17. #100

    Most Sporks Fit In Open Mouth

    Jared Madden fit 27 sporks in his open mouth at once. The feat was achieved on October 18, 2009 at the Saucony Originals tent at... (more)

    Oct 28 JaredMadden 4 comments United States
  18. #101

    Most Sporks Fit In Open Mouth

    Peter Durdik fit 70 sporks in his open mouth at once.

    Aug 17 PeterDurdik 4 comments Slovakia
  19. #102

    Most Sporks Fit In Open Mouth

    Peter Durdik fit 40 sporks in his open mouth at once.

    Jul 25 PeterDurdik 4 comments Slovakia