1. #103

    Most Sporks Fit In Open Mouth

    Peter Durdik fit 62 sporks in his open mouth at once.

    Aug 09 PeterDurdik 4 comments Slovakia
  2. #104

    Most Balls Juggled While Riding No-Handed On A Pogo Stick

    Mason Pelt juggled five balls while jumping no-handed on a pogo stick.

    Oct 28 MasonPelt 3 comments United States
  3. #105

    Fastest Time To Recite All 50 United States In Alphabetical Order While Riding On A Pogo Stick

    Shauna Pharris recited all 50 United States alphabetically while riding on a pogo stick in 23.62 seconds. The feat was achieved... (more)

    Oct 29 ShaunaPharris 6 comments United States
  4. #106

    Fastest Time To Recite All 50 United States In Alphabetical Order While Riding On A Pogo Stick

    Martin recited all 50 United States alphabetically while riding on a pogo stick in 20.91 seconds.

    Jul 25 Martin1 6 comments The Internet
  5. #107

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Jacob W. tossed a grape in the air and caught it in his mouth 74 times in a row.

    May 08 JacobWilliams2 20 comments Canada
  6. #108

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Pavol Durdik tossed a grape in the air and caught it in his mouth 162 times in a row.

    Nov 15 PavolDurdik 20 comments Slovakia
  7. #109

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Peter Durdik tossed a grape in the air and caught it in his mouth 122 times in a row.

    Oct 20 PeterDurdik 20 comments Slovakia
  8. #110

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Sam Winerip tossed and caught 20 grapes in his mouth.

    Oct 28 SamWinerip 20 comments United States
  9. #111

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Brian Pankey tossed and caught 23 grapes in his mouth.

    Sep 21 legendary 20 comments United States
  10. #112

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Andrew Wiseman tossed 37 grapes in the air and caught them in his mouth.

    Sep 22 AndrewWiseman 20 comments The Internet
  11. #113

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Andrew Wiseman tossed 55 grapes in the air and caught them in his mouth. tag:RecordSetterBook01

    Sep 23 AndrewWiseman 20 comments The Internet
  12. #114

    Most Consecutive Times Tossing A Grape In Air And Catching With Mouth

    Braden P. tossed a single grape in the air and caught it 62 consecutive times in his mouth.

    Jun 24 BradenPrice 20 comments The Internet
  13. #115

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Josh Burns drank a twelve ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 25.06 seconds.

    Oct 28 JoshBurns 8 comments United States
  14. #116

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Bobby Baird drank a twelve ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 10.62 seconds.

    Jan 07 BobbyBaird 8 comments United States
  15. #117

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Eric Collins drank a twelve ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 9.66 seconds.

    Jan 07 EricCollins 8 comments United States
  16. #118

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Dan Crowley drank a twelve ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 18.16 seconds.

    Dec 14 DanCrowley 8 comments The Internet
  17. #119

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Bobby Baird drank a 12-ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 8.09 seconds.

    Dec 13 BobbyBaird2 8 comments The Internet
  18. #120

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Badboysouth drank a 12-ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 5.38 seconds. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do... (more)

    Dec 15 badboysouth 8 comments United States
  19. #121

    Fastest Time To Drink A Can Of Dr. Pepper

    Christian S. drank a 12-ounce can of Dr. Pepper in 8.08 seconds. WARNING: Speed drinking can be extremely dangerous. Please do... (more)

    Jul 10 ChristianSmalley 8 comments United States